Really a very admirable post.What can I say about that?I am like a newly born baby in this field.But,as far as my thinking is concerned,you had done a great job on collecting data on that.Da your writing is good an its an eye-catching.It can hold the readers.All the best for your next post…You really rock.
I disagree with u on this. The media is there to potray the real state of affairs and they are doing there job. The prep of CWG was sham and it was the duty of the media to show where and how the Rs.70000 Crores of Public money was spent and the truth behind the ‘state-of-the-art’ and ‘World Class’ facilities that the Govt. and Kalmadi was talking about. The media did the right job and today’s World where news travels faster then light the Western Media got the stuff easily. The Indian media did its job quite well and efficiently. What ‘Brand India’ are u talking about. A country where 70% of the population lives on less the Rs.20 a day that ‘Brand India’. CWG is a stupid image building exercise. If Rs.70000 Crores was spent on grassroots level in sport it would have been money spent level.
The rooms are still not clean and there the bed of an Indian athlete break down what can the media? If the CWG officials still commit blunder after blunder with just few days to go, should the media stop coveraging it?? Hello, we are not China and North Korea or a Cuba! We are a democracy and having such a vibrant media is a part of being Democratic. The media or we just cannot close our eyes and say ‘Aal izz Well’ and the officials carry on with there stupidity!
Its like we called 100 guests in our house to have dinner and 5 of then didn’t get to eat as the food got exhausted. 95% got to eat and only 5% went back hungry. Is thet okay with you? It won’t bring disrepute to you and your family as 5 went back hungry? Its not about how many broke, its why even one broke? A simple bed and these people are even handling security, God help these games!
I agree, in part! One, western world wants to see India the way they have always perceived us to be. They believe India is exactly like what is portrayed in Slumdog Millionnaire. And want it to remain so.
Indian media on the other hand, tends to go overboard at times. I do agree with you, Indian media must showcase our positives and highlight all the achievements that usually get swept under the carpet, simply because they are not as ‘spicy’ or ‘raking TRPs’ as negative news. Our news channels must, MUST, focus on highlighting the good aspects of daily life. At the same time, I don’t think it would be fair, to brush the CWG scam under the carpet, just to save our face before the western audience. That way, our politicians will just get away scot free, as they have always been doing!!
So its a very fine balancing act, which, sadly Indian media has failed to do, because they always focus more on negative and less on positive aspects.
I met a philologist today who could read and write. I also met a troubadour the other day who happened to be unmute. We’re laboring under the misapprehension that there is hope.splendid…<3
well well well wat to write… this is just not fair u know…. maane eeta ki sombhob ekta 3 bochorer purono relation ke eei ekta patahe likhte hobe aamae?
naa likhbo naa kichutei likhbo naa…. dhur tui khub baje… eei sob baje kaaj gulo krabi bol amake diyei dhurrrrrr
on a serious note this is a guy who is found everywhere well just like i was during my college days, he will be seen from the stage to the dance floor to the classes(naah!!!! thats sooooo not true), to the erp cell to the canteen to the streets to the ad block to with the juniors huh babare hafiye gelam to well ya i did not see him only at one place taht is the playground well same pinch heheh amakeo keo konodin khelar mathe dekhi ni, a brilliant gentleman who is soooooo very miscible with everyone, well tahts the best quality that this student? naah junior? naaah a brother yaa thats the right word has of mine
all the bst bro and never ever change urself for anyone cause am a fan of yours cause i see a Debmalya Sen in you yupps thats direct dil se!!!!!
all the best bro and am soooooo lucky to have a bro like this…. hey wait na na tui amar bro na . , ekdom naa kikore hobe tahoel dhurrrr tui to amar jamai holi re……. tai naa?? well public place so no name taking heheheheh i know someone will kill me for this hehehehehehhehehehehehehehehhehe
Figures like Barkha who are very famous, have always come under attack from the saffron camp because NDTV has never minced words against fundamentalists irrespective of the colour. This time however, the publication of a private conversation to defame a seasoned journalist, at a time when NDTV was exposing Karnataka land scam, makes my fears true! This is all a planned strategy! The Open Magazine has no credibility
I do support Anirban in this case. As regards the social media, it had already killed Jyoti Basu way before he actually died. Sensationalisation too should be knowing its limit. Any news of derogatory type sensationalises in the social media, the printed media chose to keep quite. Believe in the work..
I have always found a charm in you,which makes you what you are today.Keep this lively charm ignited in you.You have the charisma which attracts other’s attention.The best thing i like about you is the spirit to work and deliver the best.You possess some basic traits which provides a zeal for the lethargic people around you.All the best for your future.
anirban da en me …. two diff countries …diff religions …diff culture ….. but one same thing we both have …. a pure heart …. a heart which provides a path from my soul to his ….
bro …. bhai ….. pra g …. em just a big fan ov yours ….
sorry but ..on my celeb list ….
1st …. Shahrukh khan
2nd …. Anirban saha …heheheheh :p
বাংলায় boli. Matrivasha after all. তুই খুব ভালো ছেলে- এককথায় এটাই আমি বলবো।
Whenever i have talked with you. I have found your very happy mind and a attitude to make everyone near you happy. You have always a zeal to perform better.That makes you different from others. And I have also seen you to many times fight back all odds with superb confidence. Many many people around you tried to demoralize you but they always failed severely. Hats off to your personality. But yes onlything I can advise you is never trust people so much. You are very innocent and people xploit ur this human nature. You must stop showing your innocence to everyone.
“Dont be clever be wiser to understand people around you”–thatz ma message.
All the best for your sparkling career ahead in life.
………..As soon as I heard this name for the very first time in BCET (When I came to BCET), I got very excited to meet this person because by the time I could hear a lot of gud things about him. His work not only for the college but also for the contribution made to the development of his colleagues and his excellency in E- WEEK and FESTIVALS and also in organizing extra curricular activities in this college, I became very much fond of him. I became very much interested to work with him but could get chance in E-week 2009. In the mean while keeping him as my ideal senior, I started my work in the search of name and fame which could add up into my career, I could not get till now. After wards i was fortunate enough that he could add to his team for reflexions 2010, in which we could know very much about each other. Even he was impressed with my work. At all the times I have found a smile in him,which makes him very different from others. He used to interact with all the juniors and helped them to go through the right path. The best thing i found about him is that his way of work, way of thinking and way of executing the task is different from others. I am sorry to say that I don’t know what he thinks about me? Any way I wish him All the Best for your future. And request you to please do remember me in your life and keep guiding us for the better future.
Any thing has both white and black parts.We have to choose between them or create a gray part acquiring both white and black.What I mean is that a person’s morals decide the validity or usefulness of any system or belief.A boy discussing his problems with his elder brother seems like a bridge between youngers n elders but let not that bridge become a path to destroy values.same way internet n social networking can be used both to assist each other or share feelings.At the same time it can be used s a tool to propagate hatred or for creating troubles for some poor guy.So I believe that our morals decide our actions and our actions decide the fate of a system or a belief.
Divya Gaurav
3rd year,ECE
Thank you Gaurav. This article was written somehow keeping in my how elders should be conducting themselves, you view is an interesting point made as a third person. What do you think of the “shared value” you yourself is a senior to your next two batch.. what are your expectations from them and what should you do to get it fulfilled?
Anirban bhaiya u can’t have common expectations from a large expectations differ from person to person.lets not discuss it hear now.and people will live up to my expectations or act as I want them to only if I do it myself.
Respect in any kind of relationship is imprtant but at some level respect needs to be earned and it should not be taken for granted. For example if one of my elders do something nastu or say something nasty infront of me then he/she will lose my respect. Too many seniors take respect for granted as if their date-of-birth as automatically elevated them to a higher pedestal. Same with the juniors, if they demand a voice, space and respect then they also need to earn it not expect the seniors to take them seriously from the outset. As for expectations from seniors/juniors, I don’t have any. I am one of those who goes on doing his job and carry on with my life without expecting a thing from anybody(my defense from sadness and hurt).
As for the social networkng angle, I only have my elder bro in my facebook friend list and we are least bothered about each other’s fb updates or status. We deal with eachother one to one. I have my bro’s friends in my fb fl but I have a very chilled relationship with them so again we don’t take social networking too seriously in building interpersonal relationships. Our relationships are more defined in the real world than in the virtual world.
“if one of my elders do something nastu or say something nasty infront of me then he/she will lose my respect. ” coz they miss on the “shared value” stuff.
But then my question to you is, hasnt the social networking sites change the scenario even for a bit?
For me it hasn’t. Ya, a few of my older friends realized that I have more to my personality than I present to them but they always suspected that and it was not surprising to me. For you it might have as u have teachers and parents in fb but for me, ‘nada’!
Hmmmm……….. dont know the actual date but i remember i was with my rummate going for a dinner at pumphouse!! seikhanei ei bokbok machine tar sathe alap hoyechilo,yea the meeting was a sweet one as fr the first time a brother gave a choclaty treat ” Dairy Milk” to me. He was the first senior that i interacted with no fear, and talked with him like my pagla dada, bt yes a touch of inspiration cn be found in any of his deeds nd actions which is rarely found in anyone and dats wt i like abt him very much.. keep this thing in yourself forever it will help you in every stride of your life. May God bless you.. hv a wonderful life!!
I am pretty bad at praising people and I don’t like sharing my personal experience with any of my friends publicly but if Mr.Anirban insists, I will have to. The first time I saw Anirban was in Class-XI and he didn’t make any impression. He seemed shy and reserved and I was new to the school saw I was also on my guard. Our friendship started in the Bus of route no.30D(he blames the bus for all his problems) and the rest as they say is history.
I have seen Anirban grow from a shy-reserved kind of a guy to a overly sociable and extrovert(…..and I am not really fond of this transformation) person.
Any special memories or experience with him……not really. We both are insane but put insanity has bounds(atleast, mine has).
I have gyanofied him enough in a taxi ride during Pujas so I don’t have to get into that. Keep in mind whatever I had said and polish those rough edges that exist.
What i got of you from the last some years that you are a smart person to deal are that person who can easily attract other’s attention with sheer effort and determination towards your work which you take in your hand.This is what i like best in you.
2ndly, you know your weaknesses and strength and you always try to make sure that everything falls in your court which is best to your abilities.and mind it there are very less people who knows about himself/herself best to their knowledge but this is where you are apart from others .This makes you more stronger and more attractive towards others.
But what i feel after spending some good quality time with you is your adamant(sometimes) behaviour which may can cause you big time.So,pls work on it and make yourself a person to whom everone can admire.
On the whole dude,you are one character with whom anyone would like to work.And Please maintain the same sincerity,honesty and determination in future whatever may you do in live and a sense of dignity to make this world a fan of yours.
And my funda for you never think anyone below you whether it may be in any field just be down to earth and everyone will appreciate you for what you are and your doings.
Aur haan,how can i forget your effort in SPHUTATI’09 where i saw the determination and willingness to make that event a mega event.Thanks for it.
Have a good future ahead best of luck for that and do always take good care of your health.
I know i have written much more what you would have thought and have no hard feelings.
i liked d way u hv described the asocitaion of hope and despair wid the lyf of a a moment man hopes to get more nd better bt in d other moment he he despairs that he will get nothing…bt in d mid u change context saying u hope to find a way to god.
it would hv been better if u would hv described only d drama that hope and despair plays wid d lyf..
howevr u wrote it nicely..well done!!kudos!!
because arvind I feel, all merges with the almighty at the end.. I personally feel anything that I do is ultimately for the almighty and after all our deed we have to find the way to divinity!
the thought is quite expanded…but as i view it.Whenever you try to build a bridge its not always a depth you try to cover.but also sometimes the hights you try to level.And sometimes these hights represent respect..which keeps them above from once you try to level them n you r gone…..
Well right from (pre)1st year ORKUT days to 3rd yr Hostel days I had seen,heard and derived loads about you.To define “Anirban Saha” he who always appeared to be an en-lighter,motivator,example-setter with whom you would always gain some positive vibes.Though at times appeared a nit too preachy but those sell too ! Well having said that without any exaggeration,sincerely I do expect at some point of time in our future lives “ANIRBAN SAHA” as a household name.
BASK in the glory of SUCCESS which truly , deservedly awaits YOU !
Loads of Love ( strictly NOT GAY-ISM wala love 😛 )
Samrat Chatterjee 🙂
To start with he was the first senior i interacted with. I still get a faint smile when i think about the words i used to describe my reaction when he asked me to meet him for the first time although the rendezvous was never held. But we meet rather soon in a very unexpected manner. I don’t remember exactly but it must have been the college fest and i went to the auditions for some extempore stuff which was being organized by the seniors. And he was there sitting next to me like a stranger…
In the first year itself we worked together in a documentary. Still remember the night when all of us( me, priyank da, supratik da, aritro ) were all asleep he was awake thinking about changes in the script. To be honest, it was a great privilege meeting such a hard working, dedicated guy ..oops i think i should say ‘sir’…
coz i just remembered the episode …
date: 4th september , 2008
venue: BCET, management block
well dat was during the lunch hour and the most unexpected thing happened…i was ragged by him….initially, i thought it going as a joke..cos how come a guy like ani da rag anyone but soon matter got out of hand. And i was made to sing “Enrique’s- hero”. and i really think Enrique would haven’t have survived a heart attack if he heard the way i killed his song that day. And in fact, ani da was relishing the song,well at least that’s how it seemed to me cos he even recorded dat.
Of all the people i had known in my college life, he was the one who really cared for me. In my first year i had a kind of fucked up relation with a really went very me depressed during the whole lot of time. He was of great help during all those times. Sometimes he used to shout over me if my tie was loose cos he always used to expect something outta me…nd i know i won’t let him down…
3 years have passed on at the wink of an eye. Me and him have bonded together as brothers now. And im very glad we are. He’s one of the very few reasons im happy to get into BCET. He reminds me of a phrase from shakespeare’s play- Saint crispian’s day
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;”
I just pray to lord almighty we be in touch always and stay the way we are -WE HAPPY FEW BAND OF BROTHERS…
Real smooth..something new..
as the expression goes..”music to my ears”..
a different genre altogether..expect and hope it draws as much attention as it deserves..:)
i think dis shud be the beginning..coz dis kind of an end woul be very dull n abrupt.. i mean sumthin sumthin happens n d protagonist is left on the stage wid a pen in his hand..doesnt make much sense or leave any msg or put any point across to the audience…critical point of view..
Something vital was missing in the film. Inspite of the fact that it was supposed to be laden with emotiom…a vital emotion was missing. Perhaps, it was the placid reaction of Basu’s wife on realising how deeply he was involved with the director. Or perhaps, it was the tasteless and at times unperceivable humour. Something was amiss. Direction was below the standard that the film had set for itself, thanks to Rituparno’s brilliant acting. Some scenes n events remain unexplained…like the haircut one…n its not intellectual.
Except the Radha song, most others sounded out of place.
Am still not sure if i should call the movie good. But yes, it definitely was not bad.
i agree with you…while watching the movie i thought the subject of the movie was rituporno and how well he can actually mimic a stylish woman…!the audience targeted in this movie couldn’t be determined..even rituporno(as a director) lovers…were astounded by the poor story line..was it a comparison between chapal and rituporno’s love life?or was it a demonstration of how gay people who have reached heights can actually come up on screen,with no acting skills…whatsoever..!
“Forming new relations doesnt mean leaving the old. The old relations stay as they were, and with time new relations are made as we meet new people..this is nothing wrong, in my opinion. It happens with all, it happened with you, it happened with me.. your place remains the same in my heart, although it did fade a bit with the distance that existed between us all this while.. but it is not erased, the charm still exists, the warmth does even..”
bro, i dont remember all the apti questions 😛 else i would have! 😛 i remember one thing – i solved 34 in 30 minutes app.. and was revising the remaining of the time!
Very-well written-I dunno somehow it reminded of Rituparno Ghosh movies-which usually has a free-flowing storyline which is usually open-ended(no definite beginning n no definite end)… But does manage to convey wat it intends to…
***************disclaimer the story or characters mentioned here are totally imaginary!!!
andy resemblance to any person living or dead is purely co_inciddentaaal Baabba
but then this happens universally
jei girfriend na hobey to loki gay janey
hobey to boka hoye jabey
jey gf/relationship na thakbey
to Signaturer bikri Bondo
Bar ta bondo
Moral of the story
Its better to love and die
than not love at all
Par Mundya seedhiyaan siddhiyaan Gallan Kraa Kkarro Tussan
But Boy you talk straight!!
Pahelyaan na bujhaya karo
Dont create riddles !!!
Na Ttey kudi haath ton nikal jaaniya
Or else the gal will give u a slip 🙂
feyr bella baithey baithey Kamli di trah Ithey-Utthey Trogey
Or else you will roam like a madcap on streets to & fro like a wolf in his den
kept on wishing this story goes on and on for the rest of the night.
was such an endearing experience going thru it but i guess it wont be fair to keep gauranga (or watever his real name is) hungry for long.
awesum work anirban a.k.a. writer-who-brings-a-smile-to-my-face.
it’s really nice and hope this kind of post u will continue to write in ur blogs…….
really enjoyed it..though i faced a bit prblm in understanding some of bengali sentences bt going through it two times it becam clear to me and den realized dat those sentences really gives life to ur blog….great job..would like to read this type of blogs more..
dis gonna b a weird asking… !!!! is it total original???? i mean…no “modified” content….relative 2 the real scenario???? watever…. u really deserve a humble “salute” 4m me…. really…wish i cud be u…!!!!
Hey very nicely put buddy….really njoid reading the interview part….unfolding like a filmi script….could almost visualize the conversation in my head……:)
CONGRATULATIONS !! I personally enjoyed reading this article. Learned how to present myself in a interview. It was really helpful. Also trying to learn how to blog. I got too many things to learn and just a few months remaining in hand before you pass out. I found a friend- philosopher- guide in you. And dada ofcourse..
@all My friend – Aninya , it was her actually her confidence about the subject she did put in which was very effective and finally got her the call. She couldnt answer the first few questions of C and datastructure and was asked repeatedly to change her “subject of interest”, but she stuck to her point and forced the interviewer to ask more questions of the same domain, to which she answered correctly. and now she is in.
@debashree We are actually pieces of the jig-saw puzzle of the entire picture called a big company.. we have to communicate in order to make them believe that we are a piece of the picture and that we fit in actually! 😉
@harshit… am I dying? I am just leaving college, my home shall always be there!
Really liked the article…and i personally think that students should busy themselves in co-curricular activities in their field of interest.It would really give them fame and satisfaction.
I guess, if the students take up startup projects or even parts of it during their internship, as i suggested there, I feel they will grow the appetite. You approve of it?
Anirban, when I met you at SS I found you to be a very energetic lad. You are doing a great work and you are the catalyst.
On behalf of NASSCOM, I have a different prespective which I wanted to share with you. I usually ask most students why do you want to become an entrepreneur? Till now i have not got a proper satisfying answer 🙂 Preparing a B-plan is not the issue, the issue is something deep, and I no way blame the student community for this. “Business” is directly proportional to “market”. The term “market” is somehow not connected with the student community, so how can one expect a good and sustainable business plan? Passion is not the only criteria to be an entrepreneur. As you have correctly mentioned student community needs to interact more frequently with real entrepreneurs and the best possible way to do that is to join a start-up. They should be a part of daily challenges which these entrepreneurs are facing. So not everyone needs to be an entrepreneur rather be an “intrapreneur”. I have been telling students and many entrepreneurs to go out and mix with people, go to the various sabji-mandis and learn the real tricks of selling and understand the consumer behaviour. One can build a “solution” only when he/she knows the problem…and one can know the real problem only they go out and mix with people 🙂 85%-90% of the students passing out from engineering colleges wants to join an MNC….and out which 70% stays there for 2-3 years and then jump to another MNC for salary hike. Few leave their jobs to do MBA( which is a different issue). Only 5%-6% can really stay focused and climb up the ladder. By jumping from one company to another, their cost increases and thus startups and SMEs cannot afford to source them. The hiring cost increases and “projects” doesnot come here, it goes to Philippines 🙂 Then one fine day the so called “Professionals” think they want to be an entrepreneur without having a clue of real business(or market). Student community needs “Mentorship” more than “Placements” and here NASSCOM comes into action.
prosenjit paul is absolutely right.
its true im in awe of your writing but this time things cudnt actually appear clearly.
few things still lack understanding but maybe thats entirely my shortcoming.
wud give it a repeat reading and hope it makes some difference this time !
Life is all about falling down, getting up again, brushing off the dust and start walking all over again as if you sat down on the ground just to take rest for a while….
Have you registered for the Kolkata IndiBlogger Meet? After a long time the IndiBlogger wagon is coming to our favorite city Kolkata. Hope to meet you and other bloggers at the meet.
Its about moving forward…AND YOU words fail right now,and to tell you the truth,I feel like a fraud,where my writings are concerned…there is no comparison,the depth and the soul is visible…all I want to say is…Don’t work on being liked and accepted. Just work on being you. Your the one that matters most….and you do…
wow…thats so true and u really have the ability to bring out the best words to express yourself so clearly yet leaving a mark. u r my rockstar !! u already know !
is this the semi-rated a post? next question… is this fiction or reality? :P… how could one write something so well… geez… you’re a prodigy…i won’t be writing in details…i might give a semi-rated a comment 😛
@all thank you.
@melissa hahaha! yea, my semi A rated post. Generally I revolved round and round about love, but never wrote about the passion of it, thats some other side to my writing… tried expressing it in my own way this time!
I am completely mesmerized by this piece Anirban! It is so deep and philosophical. It left me speechless for a while because I got so into if I could feel the love between the two people.
truly inspiring @nirban !!
a few questions sometimes even i think of :- why is a last “bye” in person always special even after several telephonic “byess” ? Why do we fall in luv and with only that special person ?? why do we get philosophical when talking of luv ? few questions remain unanswered which make them even more special. your blogs do that to me !!
keep it up.
one thing u missed,i think,is the complexities of sexual behaviour of human beings,like the film,at some points,stressed on not to define one individual by one definite sexual preference.being a ‘nari’ and a ‘purush’ has been the only limitations of gender accepted by the “sushil somaj”.but this film stretched that definition a little beyond and forces on creating a separate identity,that is a human..not ‘he’ or ‘she’..i can remember of one scene right at this moment-where abhiroop forces a crew to call him obhi when he is perplexed how to call abhiroop,abhi da,or abhi di..these interestingly free zones coming up in bangla film industry is no doubt,a treat
a good piece…give some more photograph…let the other know..wat its all bout..let them see the festival of color…also…apart frm it…everything is fin9…:)..keep it up…:D
As I said before Anirban.You are super talented and you use your time properly.What could be a better example of your artistic abilities than this.Simply superb art 😀
I think you should try creating some more portraits.
let the shutter open. go infront of the lens and start moving the light source (torch/candle) and by the time the shutter closes, (shutter time: 3to 30 secs) you will get the pattern!
This is simply awesome. Great show of patience and effort. I’m impressed with Rabindranath Thakur and I believe this has taken a lot of hard work and patient, but the portrait is superb. Keep on experimenting.
Welcome to the world platform of GOOD writers!
From a non inertial frame, this post of urs gave a fair and picturesque idea of ur tour.
Well written, substance photographs and wella!
This piece of creativity is worth mass publication:)
Besta luck!
i remember when u were about to move out of the interview
room…some teacher announced my name and while i was entering the room i saw u moving out….i was alloted the
same interviewer…hope u remembered…think….
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure.
There is no end to the adventures we can have
if only we seek them with our eyes open…
And also its nice to have a camera by the side, to enlighten others about the experience..
I really like this image. Your choice of composition was excellent. Giving the sky the largest section was exactly right in my mind. Your exposure was also wonderful. I started following you. I love to see what other photographers are doing.
Nice attempt but you can definitely do better.Keep learning n keep sharing.You will be a great photographer one day with the kind of passion you have for it 😀
is this a joke??
how can an educated person, moreover a future professional say this in favor of mamata banerjee??
she a poltergeist for industries n industrialists…she gets the credit for implementing nitish singh’s plans…an outright joke she is in d political fracas.
no sense whatsoever of mannerisms or parliamentary ways. The congress party is gonna suffer very soon for having tried to feed the croc with the hand. in her years in the opposition all she has done is put her big foot in between the closing doors of progressive deals and decisions…dirtiest and cheapest politics i have ever witnessed…not that i am a pro cpm supporter..i hate there politics with equal contempt..but at least their measures were they dealt with the opposition was their own headache, and i couln’t seem to care less..
Nice snap Anirban….there’s grain…the droplet should be crystal clear….but it’s ok….looks like it’s a window grill or something….if I am not wrong.Keep clicking 😀
I am really enjoying the theme/design of your site. Do you ever run into any browser compatibility issues? A number of my blog readers have complained about my website not working correctly in Explorer but looks great in Opera. Do you have any tips to help fix this issue?
Maybe thats we are photographers.. our words are in our photos.. You all said so much about the joy and love at this wedding you did not need any words. Good work all of you
Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be…Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before.Trust in what you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go.
Wishing you the best in everything you do…
Thats subtle,direct and a nice way to look at your endeavours and as inspiring as you are to me,these are the words I shall remember whenever Im asked about my future plans. You rock no doubt. Lots of luv 2 u and wishing a Hapy father’s day !!!
Commit yourself to something that is larger than you – a cause that you deem more important than yourself. As long as a person is focused only on his little self, he is in survival mode, and the great talents that lie within him do not get an opportunity to grow. Ordinary people become extraordinary when inspired by an idea that is larger than themselves.
to behave like an expert first be an expert
i know u r are genius and talented person and you prove yourself and be a legacy in days to come .
thank and regards
Congratulations Anirban…I am really happy that you got this award and more happy that you are in our writer’s panel in We Have A Story….Talent speaks for itself sooner or later. 😀
Its really a topic of debate. Well personally I think the custom is inhuman but on the other hand some people say that they are having a profession. It seems to me like, they are still pulling rickshaws coz they get money ..but if checked on ethical grounds , its wrong..but at the same time , can we arrange for some other means of earning 4 them? if not then taking away from them their work will again be unethical…so its a confusion really , it all depends on what govt. can arrange for them…but i really feel very bad seeing specially old rickshaw pullers pulling young people …thats why i dont prefer that mode of transport …
heheh nice way of framing the situation …its really an irony . If we compare the political scene of Kolkata to a meagre traffic scene on a road , it seems quite similar…well we can say the reason is people sometimes want change …a change for betterment, a change to development, change to new growth…like on the road, change from red to green denotes forward movement towards a destination, a change from standstill to motion , similarly on the political ground it meant movement towards a new beginning, a better Bengal…
I know about this..and I love to do light photography too..I spend hours doing this..its fun to be creative this way ..Rabindranath ta durdanto hoeche , nothing to say about it really …about suggestions..why dont u try something like fairies, angels ..night sky ..if background is dark..sparkling light will create beautifull imageries..try out and share soon..good luck 🙂
you told me fantastic person at heart?who told u that?u mean fantastic mad man who have no heart??????????I would be very glad to hear that…anyway your poem is good,snap better…and the best is if u apply this creativity in yr professional field…that may make me really proud of you bloke though I dont know if u already do it
Like this click so mch, wit black nd whit effect…….. n like ur poem too…..
Spcly this line- A smile seeps in.. his home left behind. The goal far ahead..
The peace lives with the journey today, Prizes left cold and dead.
The moment now, is to freeze.
it is a part of life dear….and similarly we all are in a boat without a rudder , we dont know where we r going n where we want to go …what’s our Destiny but still we leave n enjoy our life till the last breath………..
that’s just mindblowing stuff dude !! as usual, you’ve come up with yet another masterpiece.. and though you say that you ‘failed miserably’ at writing anything about this pic, i’d say that the description is simply outstanding ! great work buddy ! great !
Well I would like to say a drop falling into that water can create huge vibration into it.Like that one small incident like that drop can cause lots of change into your life but ultimately life get back to it’s own and we move on.
I loved the first and the fourth one… The dull glistening waters and the reflection of the boat is the highlight for me.. The fourth one, on the contrary has this wonderful and not so bright colors.. Really nice work.. Thumbs up! 🙂
Anirban I think is a wonderful photographer with his vivid topic coverage while composing his stuff…..He really influences many enthusiastic photographers….
Very well written……in my opinion also one should not try to change himself for the society to accept him. The society will accept a person depending on what he really is and trying to be someone else is just to fool around yourself only not the society.
and on the question of should u help the society?. Yes of course its a moral responsibility. Help in a way that is humanely possible and u will surely feel the happiness.
well i a ma not a big fan of cricket or the cricket superstars but this game “the gali cricket” do connect people too and has its own liveliness!! great capture
I loved it…”love you my way, love you the other way”…
Loved every bit of it…all so true…the fact that we always love an image, an illusion…very rarely we get the luxury to know the real self..or do we really? Whatever it is…”Stay there, stay far.”…or else it might mangle things up in our meager brain.
gr8…. i have also uploaded sum few pics of this play.. but that prgrm was by BAIKALI.. on sept, 2009 at rabindra sadan…. n hey.. am also frm bcet… kp well
Awaken from the darkness…Hope is still here…very well picture taken Anirban da. I loved it. 🙂
And for the caption I think it should be- Stirring Hopes.
Love the pics. The write up could have been more compact as the title could have been better. Either you talk about the changing expressions in the eyes or the traditional practices that mark suppression of women in some ways. You can’t mix it up 🙂
Nice reading through your travelogues always. But tell me how could you roll on the FLOOR at Marine Drive? :O 😛 And by the way, do you remember there’s a certain company called….umm…TCS that wants you to join them on 4th of Jan?
Nice to go through the work of rabindranath tagore.
Its good that you translated in english so that readers like me, who don’t know bengali at all may have the chance of feeling the essence of his writing…
Good job anirban bhaiya… Hats off to u.
I work with the US Consulate in Kolkata and we are keen to meet with young bloggers in Kolkata over tea/coffee at the American Center soon. Would you email me or call me on 9831054086 so that we can touch base over the phone.
I loved reading this.. It was nice.. Got to know what exactly happens after you join TCS..
I love your attitude towards life.. Getting a gift for Dad was awesome idea.. All the best !!
Its always a pleasure to check your comment on my blog Harshit bhai. Thank you… and yea, attitude towards life is now a function of time 😛 Lets hope it stays constant for some time 🙂
thik thak…..ami biyer chobi khub ekta tulte parina succesfully, onek movement thake, tobe ha jodi ektu boro soro frame nite paris, with lost people, that will make the compostion better, amar oi first chobi ta better legeche, kintu second chobi tar frame ta better hoto, thik dar korate paris ni
Good job done. I alos belong to Nabadwip. Fabulous photos are being added. I think more photos about “Rash Utsav” will help people who are actually want to know about Sri Dham. Take Care
You have forgotten to list the awardees in the Best Writing on Cinema section from Bengal. Why? Don’t we deserve a mention too? I have won the Best Writing on Cinema Award twice and till date, am the only woman to have won to twice.
“The less I know, the less of tar The more of you, I love”- is the line I loved the most… it goes with my life. More I investigate or get close to someone, the loop holes starts emerging out. Loving the illusion is what gives me happiness, whereas the reality’s so unattractive.
all the pictures hav great depth…well if i commnt more….all will b laughing….and say…”plz…who are u 2 commnt”…or……”look, whos commnting”……….so all i wud lyk 2 say that u may try ur hand with water reflections of human faces…..before they become a passé
i must say, all thou i have no idea abt the details of photography , but its awsum… The emotions are captured perfectly…more than the techniques used “street lights” and impeccable editing, i luv the actual purpose… i mean the center of attraction… and since i am being told now that the pics are not edited the score just got improved from 10/10 to 11/10… nice work…
excellent representation of expressions. i have always been intrigued by your ability to create subjects… but this article is a wonder piece like many others of yours.
Really inspiring work. After all that I learnt from you, this is another new concept. Portraits with proper bokeh always puts forth a great photographic pleasure.
I got joining letter as 13 sep 2012 Chennai. I have a back paper in 5th semester. The result not published yet. I am afraid the 5th semester result will not publish before the date of join. Can i join TCS, Is there similar situations for your TCS friend during joining and do you have any suggestion .
Really great job.. Innovative.. Each snap has a unique quality and expression of its own.. On a personal note, i didn’t like the green effect in one of the snaps.. How ever its a brilliant effort.. Keep up good work.. Cheers!
Just one addendum.. While framing, if u require to include a part of any figure, living or non living, be careful how much of the figure you include.. Else corp accordingly.. Please avoid cutting a figure right at any joint..
The most captivating moment is that in which us and the nature, both are stranger to each other; naive to each other’s wilderness.
You will surely snatch some nice frames on the way. 🙂
sweetest pics you ever clickd dada! Its so refreshing as i got lost in these stainless and upright smiles and found myself with a grin at the end.
The photograph made me nostalgic. You can’t imagine how much I miss the ‘chaos’ which defines Kolkata. The noise, the heat, the rush, the people – I miss everything.
This is my comment
brilliant as usual….philosophical to the very core. new chord n new colours!! 🙂 likhte thak….!!
To both the Sayani’s … Thank you… Lemme introduce each Other to you both… This is Sayani Mukherjee and this is Sayani Nandi…!!
its a beautiful way of describing lyf….
Thank you Nisha, this is an old piece that I wrote when I was making a new start to my life… I hope anyone who does that shall connect to it.
check comment.
well written 🙂
Wow…Amazing Soliloquy bro!! 😀
beautifully written… evry1 who reads it feels like it’s written for him…
Test comment.. 😛
it s awesome………………………..nothing more to say………..
u r doing a nyc job
Cooooooooool Hai :))
thanks da… shall go to office today!
Really a very admirable post.What can I say about that?I am like a newly born baby in this field.But,as far as my thinking is concerned,you had done a great job on collecting data on that.Da your writing is good an its an eye-catching.It can hold the readers.All the best for your next post…You really rock.
waiting to laugh with dem once agen 🙂 🙂
a single snap portrays all…
yeah….i agree…a single snap does portray all…!!!
I disagree with u on this. The media is there to potray the real state of affairs and they are doing there job. The prep of CWG was sham and it was the duty of the media to show where and how the Rs.70000 Crores of Public money was spent and the truth behind the ‘state-of-the-art’ and ‘World Class’ facilities that the Govt. and Kalmadi was talking about. The media did the right job and today’s World where news travels faster then light the Western Media got the stuff easily. The Indian media did its job quite well and efficiently. What ‘Brand India’ are u talking about. A country where 70% of the population lives on less the Rs.20 a day that ‘Brand India’. CWG is a stupid image building exercise. If Rs.70000 Crores was spent on grassroots level in sport it would have been money spent level.
but now at the moment, showing one news n number of times wont help. criticism shud have stopped 15 days to the games….
The rooms are still not clean and there the bed of an Indian athlete break down what can the media? If the CWG officials still commit blunder after blunder with just few days to go, should the media stop coveraging it?? Hello, we are not China and North Korea or a Cuba! We are a democracy and having such a vibrant media is a part of being Democratic. The media or we just cannot close our eyes and say ‘Aal izz Well’ and the officials carry on with there stupidity!
how many beds were made and how many broke? see the percentage?
Its like we called 100 guests in our house to have dinner and 5 of then didn’t get to eat as the food got exhausted. 95% got to eat and only 5% went back hungry. Is thet okay with you? It won’t bring disrepute to you and your family as 5 went back hungry? Its not about how many broke, its why even one broke? A simple bed and these people are even handling security, God help these games!
yeah this is going to be serious fun
I agree, in part! One, western world wants to see India the way they have always perceived us to be. They believe India is exactly like what is portrayed in Slumdog Millionnaire. And want it to remain so.
Indian media on the other hand, tends to go overboard at times. I do agree with you, Indian media must showcase our positives and highlight all the achievements that usually get swept under the carpet, simply because they are not as ‘spicy’ or ‘raking TRPs’ as negative news. Our news channels must, MUST, focus on highlighting the good aspects of daily life. At the same time, I don’t think it would be fair, to brush the CWG scam under the carpet, just to save our face before the western audience. That way, our politicians will just get away scot free, as they have always been doing!!
So its a very fine balancing act, which, sadly Indian media has failed to do, because they always focus more on negative and less on positive aspects.
Btw, if you like my post, please vote for it at Indiblogger
besh bhalo hoeche
i love u dada
Some thoughts which come without any thoughts are the most beautiful 🙂
Yes di, certain times when I feel very positive about life, it feels great… they donot require any rigorous thoughts 😛
itz awesome da….keep up da gud work….keats junior
I met a philologist today who could read and write. I also met a troubadour the other day who happened to be unmute. We’re laboring under the misapprehension that there is hope.splendid…<3
niceeee pixxxx
It pays to be positive. Your poem clearly advocates this. Come up with more such thoughts…
When did u bcum a poet?
Newaz its very good n keep writing more…
1. your website is taking too much time to open..
2. Comment ends here. 😛
it was malware affected. now its allright.
i have never expected that i would get an dada like him, he is totally awesome!! =D
well well well wat to write… this is just not fair u know…. maane eeta ki sombhob ekta 3 bochorer purono relation ke eei ekta patahe likhte hobe aamae?
naa likhbo naa kichutei likhbo naa…. dhur tui khub baje… eei sob baje kaaj gulo krabi bol amake diyei dhurrrrrr
on a serious note this is a guy who is found everywhere well just like i was during my college days, he will be seen from the stage to the dance floor to the classes(naah!!!! thats sooooo not true), to the erp cell to the canteen to the streets to the ad block to with the juniors huh babare hafiye gelam to well ya i did not see him only at one place taht is the playground well same pinch heheh amakeo keo konodin khelar mathe dekhi ni, a brilliant gentleman who is soooooo very miscible with everyone, well tahts the best quality that this student? naah junior? naaah a brother yaa thats the right word has of mine
all the bst bro and never ever change urself for anyone cause am a fan of yours cause i see a Debmalya Sen in you yupps thats direct dil se!!!!!
all the best bro and am soooooo lucky to have a bro like this…. hey wait na na tui amar bro na . , ekdom naa kikore hobe tahoel dhurrrr tui to amar jamai holi re……. tai naa?? well public place so no name taking heheheheh i know someone will kill me for this hehehehehehhehehehehehehehehhehe
Pleaze take 10 minz and do a rezearch on her career, thz iz not the firzt allegation aganizt her!
well i didnt find any controversary in the last 4 years… do provide me with links. Wikipedia has none of them.
Figures like Barkha who are very famous, have always come under attack from the saffron camp because NDTV has never minced words against fundamentalists irrespective of the colour. This time however, the publication of a private conversation to defame a seasoned journalist, at a time when NDTV was exposing Karnataka land scam, makes my fears true! This is all a planned strategy! The Open Magazine has no credibility
I do support Anirban in this case. As regards the social media, it had already killed Jyoti Basu way before he actually died. Sensationalisation too should be knowing its limit. Any news of derogatory type sensationalises in the social media, the printed media chose to keep quite. Believe in the work..
I have always found a charm in you,which makes you what you are today.Keep this lively charm ignited in you.You have the charisma which attracts other’s attention.The best thing i like about you is the spirit to work and deliver the best.You possess some basic traits which provides a zeal for the lethargic people around you.All the best for your future.
You are in hopeless minority….another moron in hopeless minority currently is Laloo Yadav.
Nice 1 Anirban Da.. Laage rho…
anirban da en me …. two diff countries …diff religions …diff culture ….. but one same thing we both have …. a pure heart …. a heart which provides a path from my soul to his ….
bro …. bhai ….. pra g …. em just a big fan ov yours ….
sorry but ..on my celeb list ….
1st …. Shahrukh khan
2nd …. Anirban saha …heheheheh :p
বাংলায় boli. Matrivasha after all. তুই খুব ভালো ছেলে- এককথায় এটাই আমি বলবো।
Whenever i have talked with you. I have found your very happy mind and a attitude to make everyone near you happy. You have always a zeal to perform better.That makes you different from others. And I have also seen you to many times fight back all odds with superb confidence. Many many people around you tried to demoralize you but they always failed severely. Hats off to your personality. But yes onlything I can advise you is never trust people so much. You are very innocent and people xploit ur this human nature. You must stop showing your innocence to everyone.
“Dont be clever be wiser to understand people around you”–thatz ma message.
All the best for your sparkling career ahead in life.
You are someone I do not talk to for months and then when we talk, we catchup like time never passed.
Enough said. Don’t you think?
………..As soon as I heard this name for the very first time in BCET (When I came to BCET), I got very excited to meet this person because by the time I could hear a lot of gud things about him. His work not only for the college but also for the contribution made to the development of his colleagues and his excellency in E- WEEK and FESTIVALS and also in organizing extra curricular activities in this college, I became very much fond of him. I became very much interested to work with him but could get chance in E-week 2009. In the mean while keeping him as my ideal senior, I started my work in the search of name and fame which could add up into my career, I could not get till now. After wards i was fortunate enough that he could add to his team for reflexions 2010, in which we could know very much about each other. Even he was impressed with my work. At all the times I have found a smile in him,which makes him very different from others. He used to interact with all the juniors and helped them to go through the right path. The best thing i found about him is that his way of work, way of thinking and way of executing the task is different from others. I am sorry to say that I don’t know what he thinks about me? Any way I wish him All the Best for your future. And request you to please do remember me in your life and keep guiding us for the better future.
Any thing has both white and black parts.We have to choose between them or create a gray part acquiring both white and black.What I mean is that a person’s morals decide the validity or usefulness of any system or belief.A boy discussing his problems with his elder brother seems like a bridge between youngers n elders but let not that bridge become a path to destroy values.same way internet n social networking can be used both to assist each other or share feelings.At the same time it can be used s a tool to propagate hatred or for creating troubles for some poor guy.So I believe that our morals decide our actions and our actions decide the fate of a system or a belief.
Divya Gaurav
3rd year,ECE
Thank you Gaurav. This article was written somehow keeping in my how elders should be conducting themselves, you view is an interesting point made as a third person. What do you think of the “shared value” you yourself is a senior to your next two batch.. what are your expectations from them and what should you do to get it fulfilled?
Anirban bhaiya u can’t have common expectations from a large expectations differ from person to person.lets not discuss it hear now.and people will live up to my expectations or act as I want them to only if I do it myself.
Jio! thats the point… what do you “do it yourself”?? thats my question!!!
many deeds done n many on the way to be done.but lets not get in the personal details in this blog.
Respect in any kind of relationship is imprtant but at some level respect needs to be earned and it should not be taken for granted. For example if one of my elders do something nastu or say something nasty infront of me then he/she will lose my respect. Too many seniors take respect for granted as if their date-of-birth as automatically elevated them to a higher pedestal. Same with the juniors, if they demand a voice, space and respect then they also need to earn it not expect the seniors to take them seriously from the outset. As for expectations from seniors/juniors, I don’t have any. I am one of those who goes on doing his job and carry on with my life without expecting a thing from anybody(my defense from sadness and hurt).
As for the social networkng angle, I only have my elder bro in my facebook friend list and we are least bothered about each other’s fb updates or status. We deal with eachother one to one. I have my bro’s friends in my fb fl but I have a very chilled relationship with them so again we don’t take social networking too seriously in building interpersonal relationships. Our relationships are more defined in the real world than in the virtual world.
“if one of my elders do something nastu or say something nasty infront of me then he/she will lose my respect. ” coz they miss on the “shared value” stuff.
But then my question to you is, hasnt the social networking sites change the scenario even for a bit?
For me it hasn’t. Ya, a few of my older friends realized that I have more to my personality than I present to them but they always suspected that and it was not surprising to me. For you it might have as u have teachers and parents in fb but for me, ‘nada’!
Even then what are your views on “shared values and responsibilities and transparency” in any relationship?
this is working.
i don’t see the point of this discussion.
none of it can be applied to a general body of people.
Explain your point mam… !!!
Hmmmm……….. dont know the actual date but i remember i was with my rummate going for a dinner at pumphouse!! seikhanei ei bokbok machine tar sathe alap hoyechilo,yea the meeting was a sweet one as fr the first time a brother gave a choclaty treat ” Dairy Milk” to me. He was the first senior that i interacted with no fear, and talked with him like my pagla dada, bt yes a touch of inspiration cn be found in any of his deeds nd actions which is rarely found in anyone and dats wt i like abt him very much.. keep this thing in yourself forever it will help you in every stride of your life. May God bless you.. hv a wonderful life!!
” The best Brother i have ever met”
I am pretty bad at praising people and I don’t like sharing my personal experience with any of my friends publicly but if Mr.Anirban insists, I will have to. The first time I saw Anirban was in Class-XI and he didn’t make any impression. He seemed shy and reserved and I was new to the school saw I was also on my guard. Our friendship started in the Bus of route no.30D(he blames the bus for all his problems) and the rest as they say is history.
I have seen Anirban grow from a shy-reserved kind of a guy to a overly sociable and extrovert(…..and I am not really fond of this transformation) person.
Any special memories or experience with him……not really. We both are insane but put insanity has bounds(atleast, mine has).
I have gyanofied him enough in a taxi ride during Pujas so I don’t have to get into that. Keep in mind whatever I had said and polish those rough edges that exist.
We are more into fb today but for some really bong adda, nothing can beat orkut!
back in 2007, orkut used to be our nerves!
What i got of you from the last some years that you are a smart person to deal are that person who can easily attract other’s attention with sheer effort and determination towards your work which you take in your hand.This is what i like best in you.
2ndly, you know your weaknesses and strength and you always try to make sure that everything falls in your court which is best to your abilities.and mind it there are very less people who knows about himself/herself best to their knowledge but this is where you are apart from others .This makes you more stronger and more attractive towards others.
But what i feel after spending some good quality time with you is your adamant(sometimes) behaviour which may can cause you big time.So,pls work on it and make yourself a person to whom everone can admire.
On the whole dude,you are one character with whom anyone would like to work.And Please maintain the same sincerity,honesty and determination in future whatever may you do in live and a sense of dignity to make this world a fan of yours.
And my funda for you never think anyone below you whether it may be in any field just be down to earth and everyone will appreciate you for what you are and your doings.
Aur haan,how can i forget your effort in SPHUTATI’09 where i saw the determination and willingness to make that event a mega event.Thanks for it.
Have a good future ahead best of luck for that and do always take good care of your health.
I know i have written much more what you would have thought and have no hard feelings.
True ! Am really very happy & lucky to have you as my *true and special friend* … Thankss Orkutia =P
i liked d way u hv described the asocitaion of hope and despair wid the lyf of a a moment man hopes to get more nd better bt in d other moment he he despairs that he will get nothing…bt in d mid u change context saying u hope to find a way to god.
it would hv been better if u would hv described only d drama that hope and despair plays wid d lyf..
howevr u wrote it nicely..well done!!kudos!!
because arvind I feel, all merges with the almighty at the end.. I personally feel anything that I do is ultimately for the almighty and after all our deed we have to find the way to divinity!
Dhur mine one is still shorter! 🙁
the thought is quite expanded…but as i view it.Whenever you try to build a bridge its not always a depth you try to cover.but also sometimes the hights you try to level.And sometimes these hights represent respect..which keeps them above from once you try to level them n you r gone…..
Ohk, I feel this gives a new dimension to the discussion, could you please elaborate on it with an example Ruchy?
Well right from (pre)1st year ORKUT days to 3rd yr Hostel days I had seen,heard and derived loads about you.To define “Anirban Saha” he who always appeared to be an en-lighter,motivator,example-setter with whom you would always gain some positive vibes.Though at times appeared a nit too preachy but those sell too ! Well having said that without any exaggeration,sincerely I do expect at some point of time in our future lives “ANIRBAN SAHA” as a household name.
BASK in the glory of SUCCESS which truly , deservedly awaits YOU !
Loads of Love ( strictly NOT GAY-ISM wala love 😛 )
Samrat Chatterjee 🙂
To start with he was the first senior i interacted with. I still get a faint smile when i think about the words i used to describe my reaction when he asked me to meet him for the first time although the rendezvous was never held. But we meet rather soon in a very unexpected manner. I don’t remember exactly but it must have been the college fest and i went to the auditions for some extempore stuff which was being organized by the seniors. And he was there sitting next to me like a stranger…
In the first year itself we worked together in a documentary. Still remember the night when all of us( me, priyank da, supratik da, aritro ) were all asleep he was awake thinking about changes in the script. To be honest, it was a great privilege meeting such a hard working, dedicated guy ..oops i think i should say ‘sir’…
coz i just remembered the episode …
date: 4th september , 2008
venue: BCET, management block
well dat was during the lunch hour and the most unexpected thing happened…i was ragged by him….initially, i thought it going as a joke..cos how come a guy like ani da rag anyone but soon matter got out of hand. And i was made to sing “Enrique’s- hero”. and i really think Enrique would haven’t have survived a heart attack if he heard the way i killed his song that day. And in fact, ani da was relishing the song,well at least that’s how it seemed to me cos he even recorded dat.
Of all the people i had known in my college life, he was the one who really cared for me. In my first year i had a kind of fucked up relation with a really went very me depressed during the whole lot of time. He was of great help during all those times. Sometimes he used to shout over me if my tie was loose cos he always used to expect something outta me…nd i know i won’t let him down…
3 years have passed on at the wink of an eye. Me and him have bonded together as brothers now. And im very glad we are. He’s one of the very few reasons im happy to get into BCET. He reminds me of a phrase from shakespeare’s play- Saint crispian’s day
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;”
I just pray to lord almighty we be in touch always and stay the way we are -WE HAPPY FEW BAND OF BROTHERS…
I was here in Delhi for thier performance..Ultimate..Dub FX Rules..:-))
Real smooth..something new..
as the expression goes..”music to my ears”..
a different genre altogether..expect and hope it draws as much attention as it deserves..:)
i think dis shud be the beginning..coz dis kind of an end woul be very dull n abrupt.. i mean sumthin sumthin happens n d protagonist is left on the stage wid a pen in his hand..doesnt make much sense or leave any msg or put any point across to the audience…critical point of view..
Total Awsomnesss
i was forced to like it…. 😐
hmm…a very to the point post. i like it!
Something vital was missing in the film. Inspite of the fact that it was supposed to be laden with emotiom…a vital emotion was missing. Perhaps, it was the placid reaction of Basu’s wife on realising how deeply he was involved with the director. Or perhaps, it was the tasteless and at times unperceivable humour. Something was amiss. Direction was below the standard that the film had set for itself, thanks to Rituparno’s brilliant acting. Some scenes n events remain unexplained…like the haircut one…n its not intellectual.
Except the Radha song, most others sounded out of place.
Am still not sure if i should call the movie good. But yes, it definitely was not bad.
i agree with you…while watching the movie i thought the subject of the movie was rituporno and how well he can actually mimic a stylish woman…!the audience targeted in this movie couldn’t be determined..even rituporno(as a director) lovers…were astounded by the poor story line..was it a comparison between chapal and rituporno’s love life?or was it a demonstration of how gay people who have reached heights can actually come up on screen,with no acting skills…whatsoever..!
nicely written..:)..I like it
“Forming new relations doesnt mean leaving the old. The old relations stay as they were, and with time new relations are made as we meet new people..this is nothing wrong, in my opinion. It happens with all, it happened with you, it happened with me.. your place remains the same in my heart, although it did fade a bit with the distance that existed between us all this while.. but it is not erased, the charm still exists, the warmth does even..”
I hope you get the point!! BTW well written!!
:)…its gud
Okk…. got your points………. But something is missing…I don’t know what..
think and let me know whats missing! some nostalgic feeling may be!
Excellent !!!! 🙂 It would have been better if you posted your apti experience too..that would have made the content complete..Just a suggestion…:)
bro, i dont remember all the apti questions 😛 else i would have! 😛 i remember one thing – i solved 34 in 30 minutes app.. and was revising the remaining of the time!
this is nice…………..and again congrats
Excellent ………..
hey.everything is fine wer did u get KFC chicken in the mid of that tension??….jokes apart….reminded me of my its wonderful again….
i meant Broasters’ chicken and not KFC’s… sorry!
serene.and simple.gauranga and snehlata,the names themselves remind me of love,piety and commitment.way to go
Very-well written-I dunno somehow it reminded of Rituparno Ghosh movies-which usually has a free-flowing storyline which is usually open-ended(no definite beginning n no definite end)… But does manage to convey wat it intends to…
ei chobi aj key shobai songe hoyeche
truly realistic
***************disclaimer the story or characters mentioned here are totally imaginary!!!
andy resemblance to any person living or dead is purely co_inciddentaaal Baabba
but then this happens universally
jei girfriend na hobey to loki gay janey
hobey to boka hoye jabey
jey gf/relationship na thakbey
to Signaturer bikri Bondo
Bar ta bondo
Moral of the story
Its better to love and die
than not love at all
Par Mundya seedhiyaan siddhiyaan Gallan Kraa Kkarro Tussan
But Boy you talk straight!!
Pahelyaan na bujhaya karo
Dont create riddles !!!
Na Ttey kudi haath ton nikal jaaniya
Or else the gal will give u a slip 🙂
feyr bella baithey baithey Kamli di trah Ithey-Utthey Trogey
Or else you will roam like a madcap on streets to & fro like a wolf in his den
Nice Story Dada :D. I personally feel that it was more of a romantic comedy than a total romance :P.
i lik dis post of urs(wch i do for most of ur blogs)
.. want more of dis kinds..pls pls.. kip bloggin 😛
tor pokhei possible erm story……jara by chance commited hote sapno dekhe…
kept on wishing this story goes on and on for the rest of the night.
was such an endearing experience going thru it but i guess it wont be fair to keep gauranga (or watever his real name is) hungry for long.
awesum work anirban a.k.a. writer-who-brings-a-smile-to-my-face.
awesum…..romantic nd at d same tym fynny too………..loved it while reading….keep supplying dis kind of stories to d readers……:-)
are bibhotso ..loved it really !
it’s really nice and hope this kind of post u will continue to write in ur blogs…….
really enjoyed it..though i faced a bit prblm in understanding some of bengali sentences bt going through it two times it becam clear to me and den realized dat those sentences really gives life to ur blog….great job..would like to read this type of blogs more..
Excelent ….and ur communication is also excelent… thnx for post..
rate 9.5/10
dis gonna b a weird asking… !!!! is it total original???? i mean…no “modified” content….relative 2 the real scenario???? watever…. u really deserve a humble “salute” 4m me…. really…wish i cud be u…!!!!
@saikat no modification.. these were the quote-unquote version of it… the experience has been over whelming.. i still remember every bit of it!
Hey very nicely put buddy….really njoid reading the interview part….unfolding like a filmi script….could almost visualize the conversation in my head……:)
yea, i tried to present it as visually as possible! 😀
@Anirban, First thing to do, Let IndiBlogger know about it, we’ll get more response..
hey…dat was a really nyc n awefully helpful piece of article…n da way u confidently communicatd was simply superb!:D
CONGRATULATIONS !! I personally enjoyed reading this article. Learned how to present myself in a interview. It was really helpful. Also trying to learn how to blog. I got too many things to learn and just a few months remaining in hand before you pass out. I found a friend- philosopher- guide in you. And dada ofcourse..
Interviews have got a lot of the confidence than anything else! shall tell you why..
@all My friend – Aninya , it was her actually her confidence about the subject she did put in which was very effective and finally got her the call. She couldnt answer the first few questions of C and datastructure and was asked repeatedly to change her “subject of interest”, but she stuck to her point and forced the interviewer to ask more questions of the same domain, to which she answered correctly. and now she is in.
@debashree We are actually pieces of the jig-saw puzzle of the entire picture called a big company.. we have to communicate in order to make them believe that we are a piece of the picture and that we fit in actually! 😉
@harshit… am I dying? I am just leaving college, my home shall always be there!
its appearing quite preachy! But i feel, what I wanted to convey is conveyed – the idea to streamline and develop the ecosystem!
good job bro. great going…
keep working with us…
thanks da fr apprecitng me……
thamks da fr apprectng me,,,,,
thanks da fr d appreciation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Really liked the article…and i personally think that students should busy themselves in co-curricular activities in their field of interest.It would really give them fame and satisfaction.
I guess, if the students take up startup projects or even parts of it during their internship, as i suggested there, I feel they will grow the appetite. You approve of it?
Dude….nice thoughts….but why do you mess up a poem with so long and confusing sentences….and they never rhyme..???
they are not poems… just fragments of my thoughts… aami rhyme kore kore bhabi na!
…and surely shall try to rhyme from the next time!
Love is magical. But sometimes the spell goes wrong and the magic becomes a curse!
Still….the words are poetic…so it’s no doubt an unconscious attempt towards writing a poem…..
@agnivo… the curse then is in itself enjoyable during the spell!! after its over, its a different story! 😛 thats another aspect of love!
read the first line… theres a link to another post. read that,… this will be clearer!
ki why?
Anirban, when I met you at SS I found you to be a very energetic lad. You are doing a great work and you are the catalyst.
On behalf of NASSCOM, I have a different prespective which I wanted to share with you. I usually ask most students why do you want to become an entrepreneur? Till now i have not got a proper satisfying answer 🙂 Preparing a B-plan is not the issue, the issue is something deep, and I no way blame the student community for this. “Business” is directly proportional to “market”. The term “market” is somehow not connected with the student community, so how can one expect a good and sustainable business plan? Passion is not the only criteria to be an entrepreneur. As you have correctly mentioned student community needs to interact more frequently with real entrepreneurs and the best possible way to do that is to join a start-up. They should be a part of daily challenges which these entrepreneurs are facing. So not everyone needs to be an entrepreneur rather be an “intrapreneur”. I have been telling students and many entrepreneurs to go out and mix with people, go to the various sabji-mandis and learn the real tricks of selling and understand the consumer behaviour. One can build a “solution” only when he/she knows the problem…and one can know the real problem only they go out and mix with people 🙂 85%-90% of the students passing out from engineering colleges wants to join an MNC….and out which 70% stays there for 2-3 years and then jump to another MNC for salary hike. Few leave their jobs to do MBA( which is a different issue). Only 5%-6% can really stay focused and climb up the ladder. By jumping from one company to another, their cost increases and thus startups and SMEs cannot afford to source them. The hiring cost increases and “projects” doesnot come here, it goes to Philippines 🙂 Then one fine day the so called “Professionals” think they want to be an entrepreneur without having a clue of real business(or market). Student community needs “Mentorship” more than “Placements” and here NASSCOM comes into action.
Aninda Das
Taking startup projects during their internship is really a good suggestion and I highly endorse it!!
prosenjit paul is absolutely right.
its true im in awe of your writing but this time things cudnt actually appear clearly.
few things still lack understanding but maybe thats entirely my shortcoming.
wud give it a repeat reading and hope it makes some difference this time !
reason : “How do I convince you of my failures? I am no hero of your dreams. A peep inside and the world looses the magic.”
Liked your style of writing,and words don’t need to rhyme..keep on with your good work,will like to see more of you in the future.
little bouncy over my head….
but sounds nice… good wrk da
You are really good..will read all…keep writing,I can see you with a great future.
No you are not too young,to think like this,but still u have surprised me..I am touched.
my pleasure 😉
Life is all about falling down, getting up again, brushing off the dust and start walking all over again as if you sat down on the ground just to take rest for a while….
Hi Anirban,
Have you registered for the Kolkata IndiBlogger Meet? After a long time the IndiBlogger wagon is coming to our favorite city Kolkata. Hope to meet you and other bloggers at the meet.
IndiBlogger Team
yes prosenjit!
Very beautiful. Il like.
abstract…but very nice….!!!!
You are my fav writer 🙂 fearless 🙂
Bolechhilam na….rhyme kor..:D
Its about moving forward…AND YOU words fail right now,and to tell you the truth,I feel like a fraud,where my writings are concerned…there is no comparison,the depth and the soul is visible…all I want to say is…Don’t work on being liked and accepted. Just work on being you. Your the one that matters most….and you do…
Very well said indeed Anirban!
u have showd the real facts of our life which we can fill after a time>>>
Write-up by me of the Bloggers meet. Feel free to leave ur feedback –
Anirban I like these fragments of your thoughts. Really lovely
For he posed, to be pictured….:P. Ke akechhe eta??
eta keu aakeni.. hastashilpa mela te.. ekta dokan dar ke potiye… or putul niye khelchilam… nijer moton sajiye sajiye photo tulchilam. 😀
Fantastic photography Anirban……..multi talented guy 😀
Thank you Panda-da
Nice one. i can understand what made you write this 🙂
🙂 Liked this one… short but so good 🙂
I want to visit that place. hoo.
Unbelievable,you have made me cry,right now the thing I want to do the most..reach out and hug you…take care…and remember I am always there for you.
I believe in you and your words..
cana guy and a gal b frends?????
siblings atleast?
wow…thats so true and u really have the ability to bring out the best words to express yourself so clearly yet leaving a mark. u r my rockstar !! u already know !
Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning…and I wish true love for you. This is so beautiful,pure…I love it.
The love has woken us up to the open doors of the white,…….nice post man
is this the semi-rated a post? next question… is this fiction or reality? :P… how could one write something so well… geez… you’re a prodigy…i won’t be writing in details…i might give a semi-rated a comment 😛
Love is something that when touches you changes your world forever.I wish you all the very best in your love life.Beautiful and pure for sure 😀
im seeing the film through your eyes now,after going through the review. feel closely connected to all the emotions you mentioned of.
Saale talented aadmi!! U gave love a whole meaning!! Not just the crappy physicality involved!!
First time felt what love must have been!!!! after reading this!!!!!Awesome bro…..keep it up!!!!
Beautifully written but i feel details of the film could have been avoided 🙂
Comparisons with Abohomaan and SCK were good…..
@all thank you.
@melissa hahaha! yea, my semi A rated post. Generally I revolved round and round about love, but never wrote about the passion of it, thats some other side to my writing… tried expressing it in my own way this time!
lust is incomplete without love and love remains unsatiated without lust. the combo pack is rocking………write more ^-^.
this is awesome! i am amazed by your new pieces of have filled in the emotions of love in this piece..i love it!
I am completely mesmerized by this piece Anirban! It is so deep and philosophical. It left me speechless for a while because I got so into if I could feel the love between the two people.
Brilliant write up man..!!!
Loved every bit of it…
Keep them coming… 🙂
Your article is really good dada 🙂 i think you should keep on writing articles like this.
i cnt cmnt on it………as it make me speechless………..thnks anirban
It was a nice one.I really felt that,quite touchy…Thank You Anirban Da….:)
Awsme note..!!!!Ur note reminds me of a Bn Jovi song….!!!!
Beautifully written..gave love a new meaning… 🙂
True…pure..enchanting……loved it while reading…:-)
nyc 1…….but its a lil bothrsome to find a prsn who means ol of it…A writr duzn 4 sure….A grt article though…Bravo Anirban…thumbs up
Wow! Anirban,
You have a great talent to express the things so beautifully and effectively!
Loved it!
Keep Expressing !!
Take care 🙂
truly inspiring @nirban !!
a few questions sometimes even i think of :- why is a last “bye” in person always special even after several telephonic “byess” ? Why do we fall in luv and with only that special person ?? why do we get philosophical when talking of luv ? few questions remain unanswered which make them even more special. your blogs do that to me !!
keep it up.
one thing u missed,i think,is the complexities of sexual behaviour of human beings,like the film,at some points,stressed on not to define one individual by one definite sexual preference.being a ‘nari’ and a ‘purush’ has been the only limitations of gender accepted by the “sushil somaj”.but this film stretched that definition a little beyond and forces on creating a separate identity,that is a human..not ‘he’ or ‘she’..i can remember of one scene right at this moment-where abhiroop forces a crew to call him obhi when he is perplexed how to call abhiroop,abhi da,or abhi di..these interestingly free zones coming up in bangla film industry is no doubt,a treat
The prodigal son returns..loved your post,I had
heard so much about Shantiniketan…And this is like seeing it…loved it Anirban.
nice… straight from your heart
the very essence of Tagore has a quintessential presence in the heart of every bengali… loved reading through
Liked the last but one photo much… Good writeup too!
a good piece…give some more photograph…let the other know..wat its all bout..let them see the festival of color…also…apart frm it…everything is fin9…:)..keep it up…:D
anirban, if you can draw Rabindranath Tagore, how about trying Monalisa?
you are a big dreamer and you have the zeal to prove it more bigger. wish you all the best in life.
As I said,you are the best..this is something out of the world..keep your talent and passion always in the will always succeed in life.
As I said before Anirban.You are super talented and you use your time properly.What could be a better example of your artistic abilities than this.Simply superb art 😀
I think you should try creating some more portraits.
Really interesting..I have never tried this but might need to try it..I started following you
This is awesomee … bt didnt get the concept … kaise kia ye =O
let the shutter open. go infront of the lens and start moving the light source (torch/candle) and by the time the shutter closes, (shutter time: 3to 30 secs) you will get the pattern!
OMG u made ds this ranbindranath thingy in dese secs ??? =O =O
crystal clear. you have a lot of options to choose as a career.
Really Nice work Anirban 😀
Loved them! 😀
Darun laglo dada..
Darun laglo..
simply elegant art ..dis kinda art is hardy seen in dis days // perfectly executed ..preciously its a treasure ..thumps up !! ….
This is simply awesome. Great show of patience and effort. I’m impressed with Rabindranath Thakur and I believe this has taken a lot of hard work and patient, but the portrait is superb. Keep on experimenting.
are dada bomb..!!
nice shots anirban…
all of them are marvellous..
Anirban, enjoyed this piece and the evocative pictures of Jamma Masjid – brought back memories of my hometown, Karim, and Chandni Chowk!
Welcome to the world platform of GOOD writers!
From a non inertial frame, this post of urs gave a fair and picturesque idea of ur tour.
Well written, substance photographs and wella!
This piece of creativity is worth mass publication:)
Besta luck!
Ok , those light painting photos are hot !!!!
let me show you my video you my video that is mixing photo light painting & stop motion.
It would be great to let me know what you think . directed by Omar piechurski
Great job of framing using the arch way..the contrast and the god rays are all wonderfully captured. Excellent photography
yea i was jumping that time, cant forget a bit 😛
Really breathtaking photo….great photography and superb edit 😀
Awesome photography…for once I was so engrossed in this one dat I personally felt the clouds moving with the pleasant winds… 🙂 🙂 🙂 love it bro.. 🙂 🙂
ur writing skill is superb…n ws gr8 2 read 2…
i remember when u were about to move out of the interview
room…some teacher announced my name and while i was entering the room i saw u moving out….i was alloted the
same interviewer…hope u remembered…think….
awesum nt much to say….. hope i can do d same 1 day
good snap….wide angle frame looks much better
its ultimate dude
goroje goroje megh guru guru,
pagol mon matal, camerar khela suru.
fantastically fantastic.
Beautiful…and you know you are my favorite photographer…
beautiful shot kiddo
awesome photography:-p
looking like a professional photographer …
excellent !!! beyond words !
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure.
There is no end to the adventures we can have
if only we seek them with our eyes open…
And also its nice to have a camera by the side, to enlighten others about the experience..
Very nice indeed and so very true. Beautifully done!
I really like this image. Your choice of composition was excellent. Giving the sky the largest section was exactly right in my mind. Your exposure was also wonderful. I started following you. I love to see what other photographers are doing.
Awesome!!!Superb!!! I can’t explain in words how much I liked it………
I liked it! The photo is sweet. I look forward to reading and seeing more from you.
lovely.. nice photography. & ur words were a delight.. 🙂
loved it!
Heh, that’s how it goes… Keep the hope alive!
I likes.
Bah! Loved the imagery!
Great snaps…..!!
keep on trying…you have the potential of clicking better…
Nice attempt but you can definitely do better.Keep learning n keep sharing.You will be a great photographer one day with the kind of passion you have for it 😀
i just love u fr sharing this…crisp… to the point but well explained
super like…thnx bro 🙂
you are always welcome didi… i am still learning… learning sharing… sharing learning… share stuff that you know 😉
For some reasons, the images are not downloading on the PC. 🙁
…and why do you want to download them!? Enjoy them on the monitors only! 😀
Great shots…I love the clarity!
pictures are excellent Anirban, stopped by again to see them. you have the passion of capturing wonders, that is for sure.
The points are pretty nice. But people from remote villages have voted for Mamata as CM..
Lets see what happens.
Anirban What Bengal what Orissa what Mumbai…everywhere the politics is same……we need some serious dedication 😀
is this a joke??
how can an educated person, moreover a future professional say this in favor of mamata banerjee??
she a poltergeist for industries n industrialists…she gets the credit for implementing nitish singh’s plans…an outright joke she is in d political fracas.
no sense whatsoever of mannerisms or parliamentary ways. The congress party is gonna suffer very soon for having tried to feed the croc with the hand. in her years in the opposition all she has done is put her big foot in between the closing doors of progressive deals and decisions…dirtiest and cheapest politics i have ever witnessed…not that i am a pro cpm supporter..i hate there politics with equal contempt..but at least their measures were they dealt with the opposition was their own headache, and i couln’t seem to care less..
Aah. Cool. 😀
Unfortunately my camera blocks all other manual settings when I switch to long exposure shots.. 🙁
I’ll need more luck… :=)
I like it a lot.. Let me ask if you don’t mind what program you use noise/ grain and what do you use to sharpen, I am guessing PS but which way in PS?
Nice snap Anirban….there’s grain…the droplet should be crystal clear….but it’s ok….looks like it’s a window grill or something….if I am not wrong.Keep clicking 😀
Jim, i didnot reduce the noise here… the noise is here because of the constraints of my camera/ and more over this is a cropped portion.
Abhishek Panda da…:D Da, gift me a camera now 😛
Anirban Da, Please give the photo in such a manner so that we can see these magnificent works in large size…
Ohk … 😀
areee wahh this one is too bhaaalo =D
try it out mam
lol we all want the next best camera… Do you know that you can try out many software programs for free usually for 2 to 4 weeks.
Nice improvement…keep clicking and posting and you will rule in no time. 😀
Good going bro…keep the spirit up 🙂
Your writing is as visual as your pictures. Inspirational!
I am really enjoying the theme/design of your site. Do you ever run into any browser compatibility issues? A number of my blog readers have complained about my website not working correctly in Explorer but looks great in Opera. Do you have any tips to help fix this issue?
light painting, could u plz explain? N wat camera do u use to get the droplets so fine? Am an enthusiast. Wud like 2 no. Butiful pics, bdw.
Light painting explanation :
i use Sony Dsc H10 camera.
and thank you 🙂
Just like the human mind ..Its a mixture of emotions that the clouds depict here.
Maybe thats we are photographers.. our words are in our photos.. You all said so much about the joy and love at this wedding you did not need any words. Good work all of you
Hey , the shoots are good , and I do like the way that you write the tutorials.. Happy shooting.
No bad :), it’s I remember, to tomorrow …
Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be…Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before.Trust in what you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go.
Wishing you the best in everything you do…
Reminds me of my motto actually, Let work be the only purpose of work itself, results shall follow ability.
really nice topic. Nice pravachan 🙂
Thats subtle,direct and a nice way to look at your endeavours and as inspiring as you are to me,these are the words I shall remember whenever Im asked about my future plans. You rock no doubt. Lots of luv 2 u and wishing a Hapy father’s day !!!
Commit yourself to something that is larger than you – a cause that you deem more important than yourself. As long as a person is focused only on his little self, he is in survival mode, and the great talents that lie within him do not get an opportunity to grow. Ordinary people become extraordinary when inspired by an idea that is larger than themselves.
to behave like an expert first be an expert
i know u r are genius and talented person and you prove yourself and be a legacy in days to come .
thank and regards
Idea & feelings & sensitivity are all well, but I feel these are one form of Diary Leaf.
yes, this is actually parts taken from many diary leaves 😀
Kolkata achay kolkata tei….awesome man 🙂 truly kolkata 🙂
no words about ur photography ..they are awesome ..and also really liked ur writing style..the flow of words is just too good :))
Good stuff Anirban! Don’t be so melancholic in life. You’ll get there 🙂
Congratulations Anirban…I am really happy that you got this award and more happy that you are in our writer’s panel in We Have A Story….Talent speaks for itself sooner or later. 😀
You desrve all that and more.Even I am happy to have you as part of our writer’s panel in We Have A story .Keep writing and clicking. 😀
Anirban this has come as a total surprise,I just want to say,that I am still there for u..u only have to reach out…take care.
Its really a topic of debate. Well personally I think the custom is inhuman but on the other hand some people say that they are having a profession. It seems to me like, they are still pulling rickshaws coz they get money ..but if checked on ethical grounds , its wrong..but at the same time , can we arrange for some other means of earning 4 them? if not then taking away from them their work will again be unethical…so its a confusion really , it all depends on what govt. can arrange for them…but i really feel very bad seeing specially old rickshaw pullers pulling young people …thats why i dont prefer that mode of transport …
heheh nice way of framing the situation …its really an irony . If we compare the political scene of Kolkata to a meagre traffic scene on a road , it seems quite similar…well we can say the reason is people sometimes want change …a change for betterment, a change to development, change to new growth…like on the road, change from red to green denotes forward movement towards a destination, a change from standstill to motion , similarly on the political ground it meant movement towards a new beginning, a better Bengal…
I know about this..and I love to do light photography too..I spend hours doing this..its fun to be creative this way ..Rabindranath ta durdanto hoeche , nothing to say about it really …about suggestions..why dont u try something like fairies, angels ..night sky ..if background is dark..sparkling light will create beautifull imageries..try out and share soon..good luck 🙂
ohk! will try… aaro kichu ideas de na 😀
ha ha 34 anyone?? 😀 😀
gr8 concept
also the expression signifies the ordeal
seeking Peace Inner peace 🙂
Everybody wants happiness
nobody wants pain
but you can’t have a rainbow
without a little rain…..
Beautiful picture,and the write up…
To alpana di and Shreyasi di… tomader facebook er comment system ta ke use korte ki hoye???:(
nice lines n the pic matching the mood of lines.I guess tahts life,always keep moving forward.
“ai akashe amar mukti aloy aloy , amar mukti dhulay dhulay ghase ghase, ai akashe amar mukti aloy aloy “….ata chhara ar kichu bolte parlam na ….
i like the picturisation, n the words are just enough n perfect for the title. No more no less would have been overboard. very nice.
who’s feet are those ??
those are my feet 😀
you told me fantastic person at heart?who told u that?u mean fantastic mad man who have no heart??????????I would be very glad to hear that…anyway your poem is good,snap better…and the best is if u apply this creativity in yr professional field…that may make me really proud of you bloke though I dont know if u already do it
but do not freeze…its hot summer…go with full stream ahead before perpetual winter
@divya @aakash @zishan
Thank you folks! your comments are encouraging 😀
@alpana loved your comment 😉 God bless
@Mayukh thank you… you have always encouraged me to do something better and remain humble at heart 😀
@Abhik Mukherjee Sir…. I didnt even enter my professional field yet… but when ever it needs these, i shall be more than happy to contribute…
Like this click so mch, wit black nd whit effect…….. n like ur poem too…..
Spcly this line- A smile seeps in.. his home left behind. The goal far ahead..
The peace lives with the journey today, Prizes left cold and dead.
The moment now, is to freeze.
thank you soooooooooooo much coz i really like this. thanx
Excellent! Keep it up!
thanks da!
Very good capture… have excellent eye to details!! Keep it up!!
Nicely articulated.The photo also reflects the thoughts expressed in the writing.
thank you anindya… i am obliged today… both you and Sagar da commented 😀 thank you 😀
good pic… carry on dr
gaan ta parle roo besh kobar sune dekhis kichu jae ga change hole ro valo hoe. but very nice and good attempt indeed. all the best
Good job done. The photograph and the translation both are very nice. The thought of translating the song itself is an unique idea.
well captured
focus ta ektu beshi soft hoye geche… very well captured moment. erokom moment er more than one snap nile khub bhalo output pawa jaay.
Bro ! this is fuckinggg awesome 😀
you gotta teach me this man
it is a part of life dear….and similarly we all are in a boat without a rudder , we dont know where we r going n where we want to go …what’s our Destiny but still we leave n enjoy our life till the last breath………..
Superb click…….. N big like fr caption..
that’s just mindblowing stuff dude !! as usual, you’ve come up with yet another masterpiece.. and though you say that you ‘failed miserably’ at writing anything about this pic, i’d say that the description is simply outstanding ! great work buddy ! great !
Well I would like to say a drop falling into that water can create huge vibration into it.Like that one small incident like that drop can cause lots of change into your life but ultimately life get back to it’s own and we move on.
very well written…
am no 1 to cmmnt on sch a prsn.. bt am hghly honoured to b a bengali n also frm d state where he lived..!!!
Am no 1 to cmmnt on sch a person..!! bt am hghly honoured to b e bengali n also frm d state where he lived..!!!
awesome is the word….from whr did u manage to get this or click this….lovely…great tribute…
its light trailing, using long exposures 🙂
All I can say is as I was reading through the lines I could visualize the scene..superv ..keep it up ani 🙂
Its greatt…
It makes feel free,
Burden less…
The photo…
and the words… I just Loving them…Juzz love dem
Nice snap dude! Really nice!
framing wise its absolutely perfect……the gate in the backdrop, i think, was quite required…..and i need to see this everytime before any exam………….:P
Liked the picture composition
Very touching!!…both the photo and the write up as well!!!….Happy Independence day!!!
Thousands laid down their lives so that our country breath this day…
never forget their sacrifice..
Nice work da…nd i luv da pix
Fantastic……. jst awesome….. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY……JAI HIND!!!!!! and again a very beautiful shot taken by u……………
Superb click bro…… 🙂
well said Anirban… even Tagore was unable to find the hidden ‘x’-factor in a female character…
don’t mess with them i say….mark my words….
hmmmmmm may be the progesterone is responsible 😀
excellent anirban!
great work man get some snaps of the wetlands too na! 🙂
amazing work dear….
I’m just speechless…..They are really alive….just speaking to me…..
chobi gulo dekhe ekta santir abhas pelam
dekhe kirom ekta santir abhas pelum…..
dis is awesum….
Excellent Anirban!
Good eye, great sense, nice pictures… Carry on. All the best.. See you soon..
I loved the first and the fourth one… The dull glistening waters and the reflection of the boat is the highlight for me.. The fourth one, on the contrary has this wonderful and not so bright colors.. Really nice work.. Thumbs up! 🙂
ooooh! I loved the colors, shades everything. The last one is a masterpiece.
Anirban I think is a wonderful photographer with his vivid topic coverage while composing his stuff…..He really influences many enthusiastic photographers….
how long was your interview?
it was about 35-40 mins max.
Nice concept I feel.
very nice job brother, keep it up… 🙂
asadharon 🙂
Very well written……in my opinion also one should not try to change himself for the society to accept him. The society will accept a person depending on what he really is and trying to be someone else is just to fool around yourself only not the society.
and on the question of should u help the society?. Yes of course its a moral responsibility. Help in a way that is humanely possible and u will surely feel the happiness.
Life is too easy to live in a complicated way. We need society but its just that we sometimes forget that it too need us. More.
Congrats Brother 🙂
😀 eee am excited dada 😀
lAST STANZA TA FATAFATI..JUUUUUUUUUUST FATAFATI..bdw,who is dat 1 whom u hv found;)
It is just superb..Loved the pic!
then “like” it, and share with your friends 🙂
Brought tears to my eyes.. Miss those gud old days which cant be brought back at any cost now. 🙁 🙂
liked it 🙂 both the pic and the poem 🙂
well i a ma not a big fan of cricket or the cricket superstars but this game “the gali cricket” do connect people too and has its own liveliness!! great capture
Your photographs are really very nice.
looks like someone is in love….beautifully written..keep going Anirban.
lol no one actually is fully in… on the verge… but dont want to..
seems to me you are in love with someone you know but cant be yours
Excellent work and those lines the touchy i must say !! Take a bow Anirban Da !
I loved it…”love you my way, love you the other way”…
Loved every bit of it…all so true…the fact that we always love an image, an illusion…very rarely we get the luxury to know the real self..or do we really? Whatever it is…”Stay there, stay far.”…or else it might mangle things up in our meager brain.
gr8…. i have also uploaded sum few pics of this play.. but that prgrm was by BAIKALI.. on sept, 2009 at rabindra sadan…. n hey.. am also frm bcet… kp well
bah! share them 😉 which batch?
Loved it totally. The pic is wonderful as well. Keep writing, Anirban. 🙂
Another great composition. So simple but holds such great significance. Bravo !!
Awaken from the darkness…Hope is still here…very well picture taken Anirban da. I loved it. 🙂
And for the caption I think it should be- Stirring Hopes.
baah besh
nice pic and light up the world suite as a caption
Great picture…
Oh so beautiful! 🙂 A wonderful way to say it. Liked it.
Leo @ I Rhyme Without Reason
This is truly a beautiful picture and your thoughts on it are very deep and sensitive. Loved it.
Truly a light of hope. Loved the pic
Its darun…
d spiritual touch n innocent look are mixed up brilliantly
nice! could have reduced the iso though, and increase the aperture!!
This pic really doesn require a caption…it speaks fr itself…very nice shot
the picture launches a thousand tales!!
nice blog..nd such a beautiful pure feelings u expressed thru poem wow:)
very nice
nice line …
u r the person my worship my goal.
one more “each time ,new feel”…good one…
Indivine brought me here 🙂
I used to write poetry, that too, on love. And I love this post, especially the photo. It’s the highlight. Awesome job 😀
Could you take a few minutes off to read one of my posts? I really would love as many readers as I can get ::)
I love the simplicity portrayed. Lovely.
Thank you 🙂
brother ur posts are awesome..better luck for future
Love the pics. The write up could have been more compact as the title could have been better. Either you talk about the changing expressions in the eyes or the traditional practices that mark suppression of women in some ways. You can’t mix it up 🙂
Nicely written dude… keep it up 🙂
enjoy the fullest…and capture the scenes at its best…:)
I never went to mumbai. I wish to visit there some day. 🙂
Nice reading through your travelogues always. But tell me how could you roll on the FLOOR at Marine Drive? :O 😛 And by the way, do you remember there’s a certain company called….umm…TCS that wants you to join them on 4th of Jan?
Quite an year it was, wasn’t it??
But i enjoyed it 😉
Nice to go through the work of rabindranath tagore.
Its good that you translated in english so that readers like me, who don’t know bengali at all may have the chance of feeling the essence of his writing…
Good job anirban bhaiya… Hats off to u.
Life’s really amazing. One day you feel love for the one, the other, you hate the very person. But still we move on merrily.
That was too good dada. Aptly named- Introspection.
I work with the US Consulate in Kolkata and we are keen to meet with young bloggers in Kolkata over tea/coffee at the American Center soon. Would you email me or call me on 9831054086 so that we can touch base over the phone.
Thanks Diya
Thank you Anirban for sharing ur experience.Somehow it will helpfull,So thank you for sharing ur exp…..
And one thing,plz Dont mind, I’v read the whole passege..I thikn I am ur cls frnd na???????????????????? 😛
hahahaha i guess you are!
awsmee 🙂
Thanks a lot Dada.. this blog post is really helpful for the ‘future TCS employees’…. 🙂
I loved reading this.. It was nice.. Got to know what exactly happens after you join TCS..
I love your attitude towards life.. Getting a gift for Dad was awesome idea.. All the best !!
Its always a pleasure to check your comment on my blog Harshit bhai. Thank you… and yea, attitude towards life is now a function of time 😛 Lets hope it stays constant for some time 🙂
I like the 2nd one better. Very commendable framing 🙂
thik thak…..ami biyer chobi khub ekta tulte parina succesfully, onek movement thake, tobe ha jodi ektu boro soro frame nite paris, with lost people, that will make the compostion better, amar oi first chobi ta better legeche, kintu second chobi tar frame ta better hoto, thik dar korate paris ni
Stupendous! indeed a good job!
3rd 1 is superb bro……..cover photo banalam…….
super cool..ek e baray faata-fati
awesome! loved the concept. 🙂
Amazing piece of work..Keep it up buddy 🙂 \m/
nice stuff
An entire new approach… Lovely!! I wish i could learn a bit from u…
Osadharon sundor 🙂
Fantabulous! Love it being dark and I see you’re very artistic as well =)
dont know even d “p” of phtography,bt watever dis is,its eyes loved it..:-)
WOW! Super Like :):) This is dam AWESOME!
Loving the snap 🙂 😀
Kapiye diyecho dada !! Awesome work !!
kono bhasa nei
I love the first one.. Its awesome.. You can call this psychedelic art.. Well done !! I wana know how you did it..
nice work…bt try filling some different colours other than red…lik yellow…
Awsm work dada ,just fata fati ,kichuhu sikhabe egulor .
Ei albm ta sob theke valo laglo ,
Thank you, it has been an overwhelming response. Feels blessed.
Love the one with the shidoor on the bride’s nose. There is a story in that pic.
Good job done. I alos belong to Nabadwip. Fabulous photos are being added. I think more photos about “Rash Utsav” will help people who are actually want to know about Sri Dham. Take Care
You have forgotten to list the awardees in the Best Writing on Cinema section from Bengal. Why? Don’t we deserve a mention too? I have won the Best Writing on Cinema Award twice and till date, am the only woman to have won to twice.
Sorry Shoma di, this was written way back and your news was not in wikipedia !
“The less I know, the less of tar The more of you, I love”- is the line I loved the most… it goes with my life. More I investigate or get close to someone, the loop holes starts emerging out. Loving the illusion is what gives me happiness, whereas the reality’s so unattractive.
*loop holes start
Loved it dada. 🙂
awsome work bhaiya… hats off… 🙂
all the pictures hav great depth…well if i commnt more….all will b laughing….and say…”plz…who are u 2 commnt”…or……”look, whos commnting”……….so all i wud lyk 2 say that u may try ur hand with water reflections of human faces…..before they become a passé
nice job 🙂
Nice Work U r Rocking
awesome work bhaiya….
i really liked the ones under the head fashionably average! 🙂
Y dont u try tollywood film stills???
i must say, all thou i have no idea abt the details of photography , but its awsum… The emotions are captured perfectly…more than the techniques used “street lights” and impeccable editing, i luv the actual purpose… i mean the center of attraction… and since i am being told now that the pics are not edited the score just got improved from 10/10 to 11/10… nice work…
i liked the close up one 🙂 (deeptish lahiri)
excellent representation of expressions. i have always been intrigued by your ability to create subjects… but this article is a wonder piece like many others of yours.
wonderful work. 🙂
thanks a lot dada. It was really nice to have a before hand feeling of the things that one could possibly expect after getting into TCS.
Really inspiring work. After all that I learnt from you, this is another new concept. Portraits with proper bokeh always puts forth a great photographic pleasure.
Thanks brother.
good work! eto high iso dorkar chilo? neway as long as no grains everything fine 🙂
awsome photography…
and m so proud of u my harshit bhai..u r d bst..
Hi Anirban,
It was great talking to you and refreshing reading your article. Hope to read such things further also and keep in touch ….
I got joining letter as 13 sep 2012 Chennai. I have a back paper in 5th semester. The result not published yet. I am afraid the 5th semester result will not publish before the date of join. Can i join TCS, Is there similar situations for your TCS friend during joining and do you have any suggestion .
Nice poem guys, Keep it up !
Thanks for the info im also future employee of Tcs.
are u paying your installments in cash/cheque or any other method?
Really great job.. Innovative.. Each snap has a unique quality and expression of its own.. On a personal note, i didn’t like the green effect in one of the snaps.. How ever its a brilliant effort.. Keep up good work.. Cheers!
picture perfect :)..lovely
Darun hoyechey!
this is really gr8…cnt express in words…bt it is fabulous… nice work…anriban dada
The rain spoiled the festive the day , didn’t it ? Nice Shots.
Dis is much bttr dan d previous album.. Gud work!
I just loved the presence of rain drops captured in your lively frame…
gr8….very nice dada :))
nice one. to get an idea it helped me….
blissful moments captured with perfection!! 🙂
Another step forward…thanks for taking all of us along with you on this progressive journey!
These are the good shots and good sequences. Keep it up !
The images speak. I am lovin it. 🙂
Lovely, sensitive and caring pics.Well done.
Its really AWSOME…..!!!! Especially their faith in Him and their dedication towards Him is truly notable….!!!
osadharon chobi bhai….!!!!!!!!!
bhalo lekha ta hoyechye.
chobi gulo neat
the context u have tried to portrait is clean and clear
Nice work Anirban !
Lovely Capture !
nice 🙂
Fantastic photography….. 🙂 🙂
Darun hoyechey!
Nicely penned down! Gud job..
thumbs up!! 🙂
eke amio dekhechi……excellent bhai….. 🙂
an another great thought from you and awesome photography…
Awesome! Keep learning….keep rockin’..!!
Good stuff, ya! Much better than your earlier stuff. Keep ’em coming!
Just great!!!
First snap is The Best!
Class Apart………..Richshaw : The hypocritical melody…………awesome bro…..really really awesome
Simply awesome! The 2nd snap (xtreme close up of the face of diety being formed) is the one, I liked most..
Just one addendum.. While framing, if u require to include a part of any figure, living or non living, be careful how much of the figure you include.. Else corp accordingly.. Please avoid cutting a figure right at any joint..
cool pics really good work.
last one is the best…
Love the bokeh’s! all the shots are wonderful!
Beautiful composition !!
It is always wise to be a stranger.. U may explore new elements amongst the daily knick-knacks!
Outstanding! The feeling to be a stranger to the people around is somehow oozing out of the picture. Great skills!!!
Dis is a pure thot ! a thot whr ppl cn easily connect wid ! splendid !!
The most captivating moment is that in which us and the nature, both are stranger to each other; naive to each other’s wilderness.
You will surely snatch some nice frames on the way. 🙂
Fresh and very sweet.. I wish the title could be different.. Innocence as a title, sounds bit flat..
sweetest pics you ever clickd dada! Its so refreshing as i got lost in these stainless and upright smiles and found myself with a grin at the end.
jioooo…slow shutter…. 😀
gr8.1st post tao valo bt porer ta besi,spclly 1st n d last pic of d 2nd post.
Good one.. I personally liked the second snap.. The third one could have been better.. You could have added more photos to this blog post..
Superb clicks buddy and a healthy post to go through. Looking forward to more.
Photograph [005] is just awesome. Liked it.
Hope more such stuffs come from you.
The photograph made me nostalgic. You can’t imagine how much I miss the ‘chaos’ which defines Kolkata. The noise, the heat, the rush, the people – I miss everything.
Excellent photograph btw 🙂
A great job. Nice snap. Like the way you’ve jotted down in words!
I liked it….A nice journey….