“Hi, this is Anirban Saha, a photoblogger based in Calcutta..”
“Photo..what? Blo.?”
“Umm, blogger.”
“But you photograph right ? And you have an expensive camera.”
– Duh! Not every one with a camera needs to be a photographer per say. I am a photographer – Blogger. I blog and share my ideas, stories and experiences. To enhance the experience of my readers, I use my photographs.
“So you are not a photographer, can you please shoot my products for free?”
– I did what I do best, keep quiet. No sir, I am not sure if I am the right person you are talking to.”
“That’s great. The way the number of supposed photographers have cropped up in the city, it is doing more harm to the photography. If anyone wants to be a photographer, let him not promote. Ask him to devote time to the craft of it.” said Mr. Ronny Sen.
A very surprised Mrs. Sen ( Director, Maya Art Space) exclaimed, “You did not take part in any photography Salon?”
But all these interactions, got me thinking. Am I weird? No. I simply am in love with the concept of blogging and social media.
There were question which perplexed me all these last few months : When I was offered job by a reputed publishing house, why did I not leave TCS and join? Why do I feel uncomfortable each single time, people refer to me as a photographer or instructs me what to photograph? And and, when I started photoblogging, it wasn’t even a popular concept in the USA. How did I even start it ?
The answer is Social Media, Blogging being a part of it.
I had commercial application as the 6th subject in class 9,10. I had biology as an additional subject in class 11, 12. I took up computer science because I liked blogging and was interested in this. Blogging kept me going and brought me the main popularity in my college. If you happen to read this, you know I continue to keep blogging.
This entire social media amazes me. The core concept is – to be heard. It gives every one of us freedom to speak, however immaterial or irrelevant our logic might be. That’s freedom. Now, you can add technicalities to it, a bit of computer science programming, a bit of designing, a bit of SEO knowledge to it, make it attractive with photographs – and voila ! You are now reaching to more people.
The audience on the receiving end of your bullshit, needs credible and simple information which they enjoy reading and some sense of logic or emotions in what you say. It’s our responsibility as a blogger to deliver it. ( Read: Why should you blog? )
I am a hobbyist photographer, who has invested heavily on his equipments and studio set up. But I feel uncomfortable with the idea of shooting in exchange of money during events, specially marriages. I did shoots for product promotions and left it in 2013.
I am not really a photographer. This world has too many of them. I know the basics of photography, yes. I can click for you, yes. Only if you or the idea interests me.
“What is Photography to you now?”, a smiling Ms. Chatterjee asked me.
Memories and tools to relate my stories. Photographs are now more of memories for me. I have grown overtly emotional after I am blessed with a niece. I love few friends of mine, more than I love any other priorities. I fondly call them, my brothers.
I’ll leave you with an incident and few photographs that make me emotional each time I see them.
PS: They are not master pieces, but they feature my loved ones.
Suman is married to one of my closest friends – Supratik. Supratik’s maternal uncle had downloaded a photograph of them and had printed them on A4 sheet paper, framed it properly and had shipped it to them, the day they “officially” got married. I still remember the surprised and happy wide eyes of Suman. I had never felt that a very casual click, low resolution bad blotted print can make two people that happy. Supratik unpacked it and placed it in the middle of the uppermost row of his showcase.
Yes, they both were together in the photograph and that was the day of their marriage. Special day and a very special gift, a very special moment however bad the quality of the print may be. I was amazed.
We “Photographers” gift people memories and with that, in everyone’s subconscious, very silently, become an integral part of their happiness.
As a “Photographer”-Dada, I was happy when I could teach Surya, basics of photography and he was delighted after the first shot that came good. I was excited with the excitement of Sayan after he could shoot the Bokeh properly in one of our meetups. The contentment, when Saimantick understands a concept and subtly smiles.
I remember how excited I was when a boy from Ratnagiri had sent a “Thank you” note, saying that my suggestions helped him develop this technicalities.
As a “photographer”-Mama, I remember how I shot Kapu and how she posed, even though she might not exactly know what she did. And these are instruments I use to operate on my mind when my blood pressure exceeds permissible limits of sanity 😀
I would like you to see few of my Photo-Blog posts, which might explain what I want to do. If you like what you see and what you read, please share. 🙂
Boshonto Utshob @ Rabindra Bharati University 2014
In Revelry and in Dissent, my Calcutta (2012 – 2013)
Gajan & Charok @ Krishnadebpur 2014
InstaWalk with National Geographic Channel
Doing your art on your terms is real freedom….