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The curtain swished apart… He was at his study table, eyes more keen on looking outside through the window pane. The heat had just ebbed into a cloudy dream like vacancy… as his thoughts got lost in them.
“Ei chonchol sojolo pobono bege.. udbhranto meghe, mon chaaye
mon chaaye oi bolakaro potho khani nite chine..”
It dawned upon me; the creative mind is far more beautiful than what it creates.., for a creation is never complete and while one half of it lies on his table the other half continues to go elsewhere making the artist travel miles under the dark hovering clouds… to places from where everything seemed special, so pure, so lovely.. a height from where every other object seems so small… where the sky is limit enough to be exceeded, where the imagination merges with the reality of creation.
[Post submitted by Debika Datta (BT, BCET batch 2012), edited and enlarged by me 😉 The quote is from Rabindranath Tagores’ work]
Really breathtaking photo….great photography and superb edit 😀
Awesome photography…for once I was so engrossed in this one dat I personally felt the clouds moving with the pleasant winds… 🙂 🙂 🙂 love it bro.. 🙂 🙂
awesum nt much to say….. hope i can do d same 1 day
good snap….wide angle frame looks much better
its ultimate dude
goroje goroje megh guru guru,
pagol mon matal, camerar khela suru.
fantastically fantastic.
Beautiful…and you know you are my favorite photographer…
beautiful shot kiddo
awesome photography:-p
looking like a professional photographer …
excellent !!! beyond words !
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure.
There is no end to the adventures we can have
if only we seek them with our eyes open…
And also its nice to have a camera by the side, to enlighten others about the experience..
Very nice indeed and so very true. Beautifully done!
I really like this image. Your choice of composition was excellent. Giving the sky the largest section was exactly right in my mind. Your exposure was also wonderful. I started following you. I love to see what other photographers are doing.
Awesome!!!Superb!!! I can’t explain in words how much I liked it………
I liked it! The photo is sweet. I look forward to reading and seeing more from you.
lovely.. nice photography. & ur words were a delight.. 🙂
Just like the human mind ..Its a mixture of emotions that the clouds depict here.