It was an evening when Snehlata was in her room, alone.. wishing to meet Gauranga and bhai.. Gauranga, was in his usual self… sleeping at his room, not disturbed by anyone else.
The phone beeped. Gauranga woke up irritated.. its an sms from Snehlata.
Sneh: Janis u hav a vry imp wrk to do. N pls hurry up… jaldi jaldi. Girlfriends khoj, one for u n one for bhai. Pls pls pls. I wanna c u two happily committed!
Gauranga wakes up… muffled with the sms and his roommate beside him shooting the terrorists at his computer screen.. decides to reply. “Bhak. No gf for me now. N bhai wnt make one, although he needs it. And what about u being my gf? :P”
The phone beeps again.
Sneh: Dekh toder gf banatei hobe. Amak banale, tui pagol hoye jabi aro… cholbe? 😛 bhai cnvnc kor. Pls pls
Gaur: As for bhai, janina. N I want his arranged marriage. In my case, I may get madder, but will you remain happy?
Sneh: Hmmm… I guess I’ll nvr b unhappy!
Gaur: This leaves an option of indifference! Will u remain happy?
Sneh: Hmmmmm… I think yeah, I will remain happy.
Gaur: Lols if u stay happy, shud I have a problem being madder?
Sneh: U shud know na, j tui mad theke madder hote chaas kina… toh bol, u hav a problem being madder?
Gaur: Yea, more than just mad…
Sneh: Hmmm… so…… what does it imply?
Gaur: This implies that if u r my gf then I will get madder n u will be happy having me madder!
There was a pause… while Gauranga wished for a reply. He waited.. anticipated..His roommate had a grin smile on his face shooting… *roger that*. He smsed her again…”… and madness knows no limit, no parameters.. ensuring u shall remain happy forever!”
It wasnt a long wait for the next beep…
Sneh: Hmmm… happy forever… that’s a very tempting offer!
Gaur: Lol. Never trust mad men and drunk men.
Sneh: Lols! Hahaha! 😀 yeah … point to b noted.
Gaur: Dhus khide peyeche!
Sneh: Ja ja kha! But j kaj ta diyechi seta kor. Gfs khoj, one fr u n one fr bhai. Al the best.
Gaur: I wnt search for mine. Need to see people I love, happy.
Sneh: Ami na ekta tubelight… dnt expect me to understand complex sentences… ami only simple and compound sentences bujhi…
Gaur: Ja babba, that’s not expected of you…!
There was another pause… while Gauranga thought of tweeting his thoughts…
The phone beeped.
Sneh: Tweet porlam! Ahem… Khepu kothakar! Ami na ki bolbo tok… u r seriously totally mad.
There was a long pause… while Gauranga watched his roommate grin as he was on the killing spree…
He thought of crashing back to his pillow, while the phone beeped again..
Sneh: Question fr u. Explain wid reference to context: “I wnt search for mine. Need to see people I love, happy”
Gaur: Its all in the mind.
Incidentally, “Its all in the mind” was said by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore.. while Snehlata had used it as an weapon against a head-eater guy, who had been tormenting his group of friends.. the phone beeped again.
Sneh: Chagol! Amar oi ekta line bhangiye kodin chalabi! Soja soja bol na baba… edike @iambivas amak dm e ask korche tor bishoy, He’s so cncrnd abt u!
..and the discussion continued without the cue..leaving a smile on Gauranga’s face, but with an empty stomach! 😛
<disclaimer: another work of fiction. it bears no resemblance with any character living or dead>
serene.and simple.gauranga and snehlata,the names themselves remind me of love,piety and commitment.way to go
Very-well written-I dunno somehow it reminded of Rituparno Ghosh movies-which usually has a free-flowing storyline which is usually open-ended(no definite beginning n no definite end)… But does manage to convey wat it intends to…
ei chobi aj key shobai songe hoyeche
truly realistic
***************disclaimer the story or characters mentioned here are totally imaginary!!!
andy resemblance to any person living or dead is purely co_inciddentaaal Baabba
but then this happens universally
jei girfriend na hobey to loki gay janey
hobey to boka hoye jabey
jey gf/relationship na thakbey
to Signaturer bikri Bondo
Bar ta bondo
Moral of the story
Its better to love and die
than not love at all
Par Mundya seedhiyaan siddhiyaan Gallan Kraa Kkarro Tussan
But Boy you talk straight!!
Pahelyaan na bujhaya karo
Dont create riddles !!!
Na Ttey kudi haath ton nikal jaaniya
Or else the gal will give u a slip 🙂
feyr bella baithey baithey Kamli di trah Ithey-Utthey Trogey
Or else you will roam like a madcap on streets to & fro like a wolf in his den
Nice Story Dada :D. I personally feel that it was more of a romantic comedy than a total romance :P.
i lik dis post of urs(wch i do for most of ur blogs)
.. want more of dis kinds..pls pls.. kip bloggin 😛
tor pokhei possible erm story……jara by chance commited hote sapno dekhe…
kept on wishing this story goes on and on for the rest of the night.
was such an endearing experience going thru it but i guess it wont be fair to keep gauranga (or watever his real name is) hungry for long.
awesum work anirban a.k.a. writer-who-brings-a-smile-to-my-face.
awesum…..romantic nd at d same tym fynny too………..loved it while reading….keep supplying dis kind of stories to d readers……:-)
are bibhotso ..loved it really !
it’s really nice and hope this kind of post u will continue to write in ur blogs…….
really enjoyed it..though i faced a bit prblm in understanding some of bengali sentences bt going through it two times it becam clear to me and den realized dat those sentences really gives life to ur blog….great job..would like to read this type of blogs more..