Slowly we move to a new life, we start from level zero. We leave in our past all that we have accumulated only to make a new start to life.
We carry nothing from our past life, nor do we take anything forward to our next life. But in this life we gather experience, the wisdom that we treasure.. that remains with our soul forever.
With all the wisdom God has given us lets make a new start afresh to our life. Lets see our lives in the light we had never seen before… lets rediscover ourselves, our inner soul.. an aspect which we had never thought of.. or have imagined of…
I am a wanderer with two pockets full of hope and despair… Despair of having lost whatever I had accumulated. A hope of a better tomorrow.
I hope to find a new colour of light that would dazzle my eye.. a new chord that would seem music.. a new colour that would paint my heart… I hope to find a path, a path that connects me to you, o Supreme.
A hope of an adventure, an adventure that would gift me new thrill… a new excitement, new fun. Another hope of accumulation. Another hope of losing all…. another despair..
brilliant as usual….philosophical to the very core. new chord n new colours!! 🙂 likhte thak….!!
To both the Sayani’s … Thank you… Lemme introduce each Other to you both… This is Sayani Mukherjee and this is Sayani Nandi…!!
its a beautiful way of describing lyf….
Thank you Nisha, this is an old piece that I wrote when I was making a new start to my life… I hope anyone who does that shall connect to it.
well written 🙂
Wow…Amazing Soliloquy bro!! 😀
beautifully written… evry1 who reads it feels like it’s written for him…
i liked d way u hv described the asocitaion of hope and despair wid the lyf of a a moment man hopes to get more nd better bt in d other moment he he despairs that he will get nothing…bt in d mid u change context saying u hope to find a way to god.
it would hv been better if u would hv described only d drama that hope and despair plays wid d lyf..
howevr u wrote it nicely..well done!!kudos!!
because arvind I feel, all merges with the almighty at the end.. I personally feel anything that I do is ultimately for the almighty and after all our deed we have to find the way to divinity!
Heh, that’s how it goes… Keep the hope alive!
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