While I scribble this down, I’m not sure when I’d be posting this. Perhaps unedited and half-made; who cares anyway?
Soon I’ll be completing my two months in Magdeburg, still without a bank account and without an accommodation. I live with a friend and it’s somewhat comfortable. I sleep peacefully and wake up to try another time to not burn food or put more sugar in tea. Somewhere in the middle of attending lectures, making food, doing assignments, washing dishes and cleaning the room, I’m growing up at 28. And yes, I’ve managed a few hours to travel and click a couple of birds.
PS: I’ve bought a new lens for birding.
The thought of not earning a penny is daunting me. I’m advised to not work for the first couple of semesters and get used to the academic system in Germany. From basic Mathematics to Telugu, I have a lot to learn. This university to Telugu people is what Canada is perhaps for Punjabis. This is a light-hearted joke, please do not be offended.
To those who are fond of alcohol, there’s a drink which is fondly called, “Sweet Whiskey” and I’m a complete fan of it! There’s Gluhwein, or warm wine, the quality and taste of which is strictly a function of the amount of money you could pay. The best Gluhwein I had in the last few weeks was in a restaurant in the Quedlinburg Castle.
Possibly everything which is not a car is over-priced in Germany. Cars are cheaper than the photography equipment I am carrying with me. But let’s not get into this.
A friend asked me, “Did you discover anything new about yourself?” Well yes, I’m great at washing dishes! Jokes apart, I realized something that people often discussed me – I’m driven by people. I abhor the idea of living alone or not having someone to talk to. And yes, I’m good at washing dishes and making fried rice.
Check out a few photographs!

Quedlinburg | traditionally Europe, they say.

Common Blackbird | Magdeburg 2017

Tangermunde | Cobbled streets and a church!

Soft drinks and then Gluhwein (hot wine) | Christmas specialties.

Barleber See during the storm, was exciting!

Common Wood Pigeon – a very common bird that jumps around near my window.

Gebaude (Building) no. 22 | Inside the university.

Afternoon shine near the building where I attend classes. -_-

Tangermunde City Building
hii this is a very good post. it really inspired me