A first this season and my first experience with snowfall; I have all the reasons to be super excited!
I was sleepless the entire night, clueless about what to do next and how to pass the upcoming examination; when Google notified me it is -2°C outside and it should snow at around 8 AM. Now 8 AM is when the sun rises here and 7:30 AM is when I go out for a walk with my camera.
It was around 7:30 AM when I felt a few white puffy cotton balls hitting the window; I got super excited and went out. I had my birding lens with me and no other lens. I trust this isn’t the last snow fall and I’d get enough opportunities to photograph it.
Nevertheless, the firsts are always special. This blog post too is special.
I just hope the photographs turn out to be as good as the experience of the first snow was. My vocabulary isn’t strong enough to express how beautiful it felt to walk, almost alone, in the snow and how excited I still am while I make this blog post! If you like the photographs, then please SHARE this blog post with your friends on social media.

The tree with berries, where the birds come to eat.

That’s one Eurasian Magpie flying away from my lens. :'(

Suggest a caption, please? | Instagram: @sahaanirban

What do you think I was feeling all alone there?

Eurasian Magpie | Follow me on Instagram for photographs of more birds!

A not-very-please Pigeon!

Isn’t this what dreams are made of?

..just the feel of it.

At the Norden Park.

If you like the photographs, do SHARE this blog post!
I trust you’ve liked the first photographs of the first snow this season. Do send me your feedback and ask me questions; leave a comment! IF you want to get regular updates, of my blog posts, please send me a message here.
Also, if you’ve been to Magdeburg / Germany / Europe during this time, do recommend something I could photograph and should be easy on my pockets. IF you know anyone who is into bird photography in Germany, I beg, please get me connected.
Beautiful picture with snow falls .Really nice to see.
These are beautiful man! Love them 🙂
Nice article!
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