It’s a blessing in disguise that you get to know whether you are making a right decision. πŸ™‚ Did you know Chand Sadagar being the egoistic person he was, refused to worship Maa Manasa with his right hand? He offered her flowers with his left hand and did not even look at the image while worshipping.

  2. Anjan Sen

    Have grown-up on these anecdotes. When we were young, early 90s, didn’t have a TV set. Mom would narrate these stories to us, after our homework and dinner. Everyday, we spent 1-2 hours in the evening. Also, Maa Manasa is our family diety. There is a small temple at our Barasat home. And yes, have also heard the version mentioned by Arundhati below. Thank you for putting this piece together.

  3. Taniya Kundu

    Loved reading it. I have had close encounters with snakes. The last one being on the previous date of Maa Manasa’s Puja, last month. I read the Padma-puran as a kid, and found it very interesting. This blogpost is really a wonderful tribute to those lost folk tales from Bengal, and I really like the analysis of it all in the end. 😊

  4. Uday manu

    how can u use words like wrathful, vindictive and jealous in describing a goddess. totally misleading content. and u say aryan and dravudan goddessπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ mansa devi is mentioned in brahmvaivartha purana and also in devi bahgawath…..in mahendra krutha stotram of devi bhagawatham it is clearly mentioned that mansa devi is mother full of mercy, forgiveness and affection. grow up kid b4 making articles. mansa mangal has been manipulated many tyms in mughal reign. what we currently have is not the original version. acc to original version chandradhar is full of ego and hatredness towards nagas. and this lead a saint vishahara to curse to loose all his 7sons through snake bit. he also advised him to perform mansa pooja if he wanted to protect his sons. but that fool didnt accpet any one as god other than lord shiva. this foolishness killed all his 7sons whereas behula with her devotion towards mansa maa pleased her. and maa mansa gave back life to all 7sons of chandradar.

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