Well, about Saurish. I am quite attached to their family.. Saurish, Deeptish, Uncle and Aunt. And I believe they too are.. Now that’s this lazy guy who is a music freak, exactly the way I am fascinated about how the camera works wonder.. he fiddles with the guitar. When asked to pose with a guitar he went all “NO!” with it, ruining my composition in my mind. 🙂 His is a face – you can read very easily. It grows looong when he is annoyed/ angry/ disapointed… and its tough fixing his mood. The otherwise unsocial guy is your friend and you know it, when he pings you for a chat by himself 🙂
PS : He loves “Cool Blue”.
Update: 29-07-2013

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I love the smile, when you see it turn out to be something good.
Photograph courtesy : Anirban Saha Photography
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