1. Aditya Dey

    A very clinical approach to choosing a university that covers points most people would not think of,but should definitely consider during their selection process. Very informative piece!


    Excellent write-up on a very important topic concerning the would be master’s students. The steps mentioned for analysing the pros and cons of each master’s program are very pragmatic and essential for the new aspirants. Every student must take considerable time and follow this approach to get into the correct program as per their choices.

  3. Sayani Banerjee

    This is a very informative article. I went through the whole process of choosing a University just with more trial and errors. Really well written.

  4. Satyaki Chatterjee

    Very well demonstrated. Few points could be mentioned like,
    1. Analyze the intake criteria. German Universities mean what they say.
    2. Refer to the profiles of previous year intakes to have a rough idea about acceptability of your profile.
    3. How German public universities maintain equivalent structure of studies.

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