Season 1: Student jobs in Magdeburg for M.Sc. Digital Engineering & M.Sc. Data and Knowledge Engineering.

In season 1, we explore a bit of the student jobs in Magdeburg for data science students. For this, there is a series of interviews. To receive updates about the upcoming Podcasts, I would request you to subscribe to the channel on Spotify and/or Google Podcasts by clicking on the button below!

Info: I have made another blog post related to tutoring jobs at the faculty of Informatics. Maybe, you would like to check it out.

Who are interviewed? Current students of M.Sc. Digital Engineering and Data and Knowledge Engineering from the subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) who are doing a job inside the university as a “HiWi”, or in a software company in Magdeburg.

Why this series of interviews? The target audience for this season is the international aspirants of the course M.Sc. DE and DKE at the Otto-von Guericke Universität, Magdeburg. But new incoming students to this university and/or to Germany might find value from this series.

About the content in the interviews: All the guests are mostly asked the same season of questions, which allow them to speak about where they are working, their work. Further questions allow them the opportunity to express how different the two work cultures are and how important the German language is in their life at work.

What should the takeaway be for the listener? Many aspiring students either do not know what kind of student jobs in Magdeburg are available. Not much of the information is up on the internet as well. This series should serve as a step towards further exploration of opportunities. The audience should be aware that I can not interview everyone. The list of people is not exhaustive and there are other different ways people get student jobs in Magdeburg, other job roles that students do. What might have worked for the guests might not work for the listener, should s/he try to emulate the same steps! To explore further is the job of the aspirant/new student.

About the Labels: The labels are added after getting feedback from the listeners. The purpose is to give some amount of information which would assist them to choose which episode they might be interested in. Given below is the description of tags, with the colours!

Domain | Related CourseLocationType of JobSpecific DetailsTutor Y|NOther keywords

Note: This season has ended. Please connect to us on LinkedIn to get updates on the proposed Season 2.

You could also get in touch with us over a written email. The email address is

S1E1: The Introductory Podcast!

In the first podcast, I briefly talk about what I intend to do in this series and a lazy introduction to student jobs in Magdeburg, here. This episode is important because it has the necessary prerequisite knowledge and disclaimers that a listener would need for the rest of the series.

S1E2: Chat with Mahantesh!

Machine Learning, Deep LearningBerlinStudent JobDatascience, KNIME, StartupFormer TutorExtensive, Tips for cover letter

Mahantesh studies  Digital Engineering  and had a little work experience before he started his M.Sc. course. Currently, he is a  Data Scientist in a company in Berlin  (student job). He is working on Interpretable Machine Learning. Previously, he has also been a tutor of the Data Mining 1 course.

S1E3: Chat with Zeeshan!

Machine Learning, Deep LearningBerlinStudent JobAutonomous driving,, StartupFormer TutorGood tips!

Zeeshan studies  Data and Knowledge Engineering  and had a little work experience before he started his M.Sc. course. Currently, he is a  Developer at a startup in Berlin  (student job).

S1E4: Chat with Fatima!

Machine Learning, Deep LearningMagdeburgStudent JobsNeurobiology, Competance and Automobilitaet, ResearchFormer TutorMultiple job experiences, differences in study cultures.

Fatima studies  Digital Engineering  and had a little work experience before she started her M.Sc. course. Currently, she is  working at two research institutes in Magdeburg  (student job) currently; one at Leibniz Institute of Neurobiology and the other at Institute of competance and automobilitat.

S1E5: Chat with Shivani (Jadhav)!

Machine Learning, Deep LearningKarlsruhe, MagdeburgStudent Job, HiWiNatural Language ProcessingTutorInterview tip!

Shivani studies  Data and Knowledge Engineering  and had a little work experience before starting her M.Sc. course. Her area of interest is Natural Language processing and currently, she is  working at the University of Karlsruhe  . Previously, she has been a tutor for many courses which include Introduction to Deep Learning and Information Retrieval.

S1E6: Chat with Atrayee!

Machine LearningHamburg, MagdeburgInternship, HiWiFormer TutorTime management

Atrayee studies  Digital Engineering  and did not have work experience before starting her M.Sc. course. She is currently working as a student research assistant at the university and  interning at Continential AG  as a machine learning intern.

S1E7: Chat with Ricchiey!

Deep LearningMagdeburgHiWiMusic/Audio Generation, AI labsTips for new students!

Richhiey Thomas studies  Data and Knowledge Engineering . He hails from Mumbai, India, and had previously worked in a startup. In Magdeburg, he works at the  University’s AI lab . He works on audio and deep learning. Recently, he took part in an international competition where his machine-generated music grabbed quite a few eyeballs.

S1E8: Chat with Aftab Atlaf!

Machine LearningMagdeburgStudent JobsSAP Technologies

Md. Aftab Altaf studies  Digital Engineering . He has previously worked in an Indian MNC while he was in India. In Magdeburg, he works on  SAP technologies in a startup  in Magdeburg.

S1E9: Chat with Indranil Maji!

Social MediaMagdeburgHiWiGraphics design, website management, social media, SI@FIN

Indranil Maji studies  Data and Knowledge Engineering . He joined the Academic Club’s Communication Team. He later took up the responsibility of designing posters and promotional material. His work got recommended and now he is recruited by the project SI@FIN to maintain the website and design posters!

S1E10: Chat with Vikram Apilla!

VisualisticsMagdeburgHiWiAR/VR, 3D ModellingTeaching AssistantTips for applications!

Vikram Apilla works in  the Visualisation Research group . He studies  Data and Knowledge Engineering . He currently works on prototypes for 3D medical visualisations. 

S1E11: Chat with Ravi Chennaboina!

Game DevelopmentMagdeburgStudent JobsAR/VR, Game Development

Ravi Chennaboina studies  Digital Engineering . In Magdeburg, he works on  VR game development at DZNE,  in Magdeburg.

S1E12: Chat with Yash Shah!

Data Mining, VisualisticsMagdeburgHiWiQualiMan project A lot of tips and discussions!

Yash Shah works in  the QualiMan project under Prof. Spiliopoulou . He studies  Data and Knowledge Engineering . He has also started working in the Visualistic groups recently.

S1E13: Chat with Rakesh Devalapally

Data EngineeringMagdeburgStudent Job, FreelanceLegal Text, NLPFormer Tutor

Rakesh Devalapally studies M.Sc. Data and Knowledge Engineering and he worked at a startup in Magdeburg. He now does freelance.

S1E14: Chat with Libin Kutty

Machine LearningMagdeburgStudent JobNatural Language Processing

Libin Kutty studies Data and Knowledge Engineering and is currently working at iFak on the domain of Natural Language Processing!

S1E15: Chat with Mariam Riaz

Machine LearningMagdeburgStudent JobImage Processing

Mariam Riaz studies M.Sc. Digital Engineering and is a developer working with the University Klinikum, Magdeburg. 

S1E16: Chat with Aman Kalra

Product ManagementMagdeburgStudent JobFormer TutorStudent life

Aman studies  Digital Engineering  and had a little work experience before he started his M.Sc. course. Currently, he is a  Product Manager  (student job) working in a Magdeburg based startup. Previously he was a tutor for one of the Database courses.

S1E17: Chat with Sharanya Mohan

Software Development Magdeburg HiWi Open energy platform Differences in cultures!

Sharanya Mohan studies M.Sc. Data and Knowledge Engineering at the Otto-von Guericke University Magdeburg. She works as a HiWi (Software Developer) at the Institute for Intelligent Cooperating Systems. 

S1E18: Chat with Abhirup Roy

Simulation Magdeburg HiWi/ Research Assistant Simulation Discussion about areas of interest.

Abhirup Roy studies M.Sc. Digital Engineering at the Otto-von Guericke University Magdeburg. He is crazy about simulation and he works as a HiWi (Software Developer) at the Max Planck Institute, Magdeburg.

S1E19: Chat with Amar Shivaram

Machine Learning, Deep Learning Munich Working Student NLP Startups, area of interest

Amar Shivaram works as an NLP engineer in a Munich based startup. He studies Data and Knowledge Engineering here at the Otto-von Guericke University, Magdeburg.

S1E20: Chat with Bhuvanesh Leelakrishnan

Big Data Magdeburg Full Time Job Full time job, lives with family.

Bhuvanesh studies Data and Knowledge Engineering and is working full time in a Magdeburg based company. He is an important face of the organisation Magdeburg Indians e.V.

S1E21: Chat with Saijal Shahania [Bonus Episode!!!]

N.A. Magdeburg N.A. N.A. Tutor Scholarships, extracurriculars.

Saijal Shahania studies Data and Knowledge Engineering at this university. She has worked as a HiWi in the university, worked as a student in a startup in Magdeburg, is a tutor for 2 courses, published scientific papers, and most importantly, she very recently got the Otto-von-Guericke Scholarship and is the first international student from FIN to get it! 

S1E22: Chat with Shivalika Suman

Machine LearningBerlinInternshipsInternship tips!

Shivalika Suman studies Data and Knowledge Engineering. She recently completed her internship at Porsche, Berlin. She is now interning at Amazon, Berlin.

S1 E23: Chat with Sravani Dhara

Deep Learning & Computer VisionMagdeburgHiWiComputer Vision in 2D and 3D, remote sensing dataFraunhofer Institute, Project to job!

Sravani is currently in her 3rd semester and getting ready for her thesis. She studies M.Sc. Digital Engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg. She is working at the Fraunhofer Institute and at the electrical department at OVGU.

S1 E24: Chat with Aniruddh Shukla

Machine LearningMagdeburgHiWiRNA sequencing, Clustering1st job in 1st sem.

Aniruddh is studying M.Sc. Data and Knowledge Engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg. He graduated his bachelors in 2019 from India and started his Masters during Summer Semester 2020, in the middle of the pandemic. He got his first job during his first semester and his second during his second semester. He is also involved in a project, whose abstract has been accepted at an international magazine. He is working on RNA sequencing at the University Klinikum and at the Halle Institute of Economic Research.

S1 E25: Chat with Raghava Mushunuri

Machine LearningMagdeburgHiWi, InternshipBiomedical data7 projects, learning programming from scratch.

Raghava studies M.Sc. Digital Engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg. He is completing 7 projects, has 1 HiWi and 1 internship, mostly in the biomedical domain. 

S1 E26: Chat with Shivani Hegde

Techno-ManagementMagdeburgHiWi, part time jobFull time job from student jobs

Shivani Hegde studies in 4th semester M.Sc. Data and Knowledge Engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg. She has 4 very different student jobs after a brief stint in pizza making factory. This is an extremely candid conversation and in a new format. Please give feedback. 

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S1 E27: Chat with Sidra Aziz

Product ManagementBerlinPart time jobStartup, Product teamStruggles as a student

Sidra studies M.Sc. Data and Knowledge Engineering at the Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg. She is currently working as a work student, working as Product Owner and assisting Product team to automate processes in a Berlin based insurance-tech startup.

That’s a wrap! The season related to student jobs in Magdeburg had to come to an end and it did! I had initially planned around 15 episodes but by the time we brought an end to it, we had over 27 episodes. The audience has been kind towards this; they shared it among themselves, promoted it in circles beyond Magdeburg. A big shout out to FaRaFIN (student council for Computer Science faculty) who were the first ones to spread the word around. The media and marketing office at our university came to know about this series and might feature, it in their capacity, in the near future. I wish listeners (students) got some value listening to the episodes. While there is a small team now working towards a Season 2, this season remains as my last contribution as a mentor to the incoming students at Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg. Please stay in touch. God bless.