pathos. emptiness. feelings.

..and unedited scribbling from a diary page

‎..a kind of pathos. I can not relate to it, cant name it. Don’t know what exactly it is. A feeling of being bound amidst emotions and constraints. A feeling of having lost, somewhat creating an emptiness, and the void thus created is a curbing ~ a kind of pathos.
Feelings up against each other, heart wishing for peace. Brain says, the void, necessary for the wish for a better win. Feelings still up against each other.
..a kind of pathos, the emptiness of the world when the earphone’s music pause. Memories fill the void, smiles sparkle in it. Innocent accent gifts me ~ a kind of pathos.
Feelings, once dead awakened from their grave. Lament, lament – perhaps the only happy feeling left. Remorse remorse – the only happy expression .. wish, wish – the only happy thing to do. Feelings of the happy mothers the kind of pathos.

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