Await for the flight

sparrow, swaroop sinha roy

A wish to take off and fly. I am waiting for the right moment. When the time shall be ripe, conditions fruitful – I shall re live salvation. Shall be salvaged in the blue of the sky.
Has anyone actually restricted me? This is such game of the fate, of the illusion- feelings create around itself.

Photograph by: Swaroop Singha Roy (Megapixel)
He is pursuing his class twelve from Sree Bharati,Kolkata. This uber decent guy can actually be funny as well as philosophical, when needed. He uses a canon 1000D camera, armed with his other digital Photographic stuff, he loves to go around the city, village or anywhere in this big beautiful world and shoot at sight. Photographing Animals is what he likes the most.. He says he expresses his thoughts via photographs and that statement coupled with the photographs speaks volume about him.
If you like his work, please “like” the button.

See also  Storks, Cormorants, and a little more | Duttabagan (Calcutta) and Raiganj Bird Sanctuary (North Bengal).

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