1. “Forming new relations doesnt mean leaving the old. The old relations stay as they were, and with time new relations are made as we meet new people..this is nothing wrong, in my opinion. It happens with all, it happened with you, it happened with me.. your place remains the same in my heart, although it did fade a bit with the distance that existed between us all this while.. but it is not erased, the charm still exists, the warmth does even..”

    I hope you get the point!! BTW well written!!

  2. Alpana Jaiswal

    Its about moving forward…AND YOU WILL..my words fail right now,and to tell you the truth,I feel like a fraud,where my writings are concerned…there is no comparison,the depth and the soul is visible…all I want to say is…Don’t work on being liked and accepted. Just work on being you. Your the one that matters most….and you do…

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